Restless legs and twitching, jerking ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Restless legs and twitching, jerking movement waking myself and hubby driving me nuts, any tips would be grateful x

18 Replies
18 Replies
tofty profile image

i get restless legs and twitching a lot i find taking 2 paracetamol just as u get into bed usually relaxes my muscles and sends me of to sleep.

FionaP profile image

Hi Lou. Maybe a light massage of your muscles would help relax them before bed, in a warm bath is easiest or your doctor could try you on one of the muscle relaxants used in treating fibro. I have Baclofen. Good luck

Hi tofty, I have this horrible problem with my legs too, they were sending me round the bend to be honest with you. I went to see my specialist at the hospital and was prescribed Methocarbamol tablets to use only at times when my legs were really bad. I take two 750mg tablets and within one hour my legs ease and the shooting pains, twitches, aching and restlessness stops. I don't know if this medication would work for you, but it may be worth a mention to your GP. Be sure to mention all your medications to your Doctor, to make sure Methocarbamol is suitable to take as well. Hope this info is of some help to you and you find comfort soon :)

chorley profile image

Hi Tofty, i suffer with RLS all of the time my poor wife was getting kicked to in the legs by me every night when i am asleep, i went to see my GP and he has put me on Pregabalin he told me they are used in the treatment of epilepsy, they are starting to work but we still have to get the dosage right, as Libby says not all meds work the same for everybody.

Hope you find somthing to help you soon Keep your chin up.


Nicola27Hull profile image

Hi, i have suffered this too and I have tried the majority of medications. I am now on pre gabilin too which has dramatically reduced the RLS and also helped me sleep :) The only other advice I can offer is a TENS machine and an electric blanket. Good luck x

I have RLS too, I see a sleep specialist and it's taken a long time to get the meds right and sometimes I have to take more than my usual dose which is ok. I'm on Ropinirole and Gabapentin, together they work. The Ropinirole did work for a while but then I found I needed something more.

As Chorley says, they are an ant-seizure drug amongst other things.

Hope you get something that works soon.


mickskitty profile image

Okay wow. I just joined this site; and until this second did not realize that my horrible restless legs was associated with my fibro. I also have stage 5 arthritis in both knees; but knew that shouldn't cause the type of pain I have in my shins, the discomfort is so intense that I actually want to hit my legs with something just so it was real pain; does anyone understand that? They kick out, jolt, and agonise me to tears; even painkillers don't seem to help, they make me drowsy, but the legs keep waking me up. Reading all your tips all help will be greatly appreciated!!!!

Also, I find a heathing pad seems to help, my legs get terribly cold, and when that happens is when it is at its worst. Also, I will jump into a VERY hot bath and this happens frequently in the middle of the night. I have taken potassium because I believed it might have something to do with my electrolytes as I also suffer from chronic diahhrea due to Chron's disease. Will definitely mention this all to my gp next time. Thanks!!!

Glenys profile image

Magnesium has been my saviour for restless leg.. X2 Magnesium CITRATE (has to be that as Mg Oxide doesn't absorb as well) 100mg tablets seem to help. If I forget a couple of doses I get RLS again, so I have a feeling it works. I get mine from holland and barratt, although their new packaging makes the Citrate harder to differerentiate from the Oxide, so take care.

I must admit there is nothing worse than trying to relax in a car on a long stretch of the motorway with your legs wanting to run a marathon, and there's nowhere to put them!!

Good Luck

Sampride profile image
Sampride in reply to Glenys

This is how I describe my restless legs as wanting to run a marathon, yet the rest of me can't be bothered. I find restless leg worse that the paind i get as it stays for weeks. Nothing has helped my legs, Diazipam has helped my muscle spasms in my back. I will ask about the magnesium citrate next time i'm at the drs.

I will keep you posted. I have found decaf yorkshire tea, green tea and chalomile tea has helped me function better and i now only have soya milk, no cows milk, i am trying to get off the meds, it's a slow process but i'm sure my body with thank me.

Much appreciated!

Glenys profile image

That's 2 tablets a day, I meant.

Thank you for all your replies, Fab advice guys, so hopefully i can sort my RLS soon, Keeping Chin Up and this site really helps. Sometimes its nice to have a outlet to talk to other whom understand and are experiencing what you are going through, Gentle Hugs to you all. x

anjie profile image

Hi Lou, I've also suffered with RLS for years and years, I haven't found any meds that work or don't affect something else. When my legs are bad (it comes and goes) I take a 5 min walk come in, take sleeping meds and drink valerian tea...that helps me get off to sleep.

I tend to wake in the morning with it then, as long as it's early enough I just do the same again (without the sleeping meds!).

Hope you find some help x

Glenys profile image

Hi Sampride, you know after all these years it never occured to me that I might be able to get Mg Citrate from the doctors - I'm going on Friday, I'll ask him. Thanx :-)

Glenys profile image

Oh forgot to say, Citrate absorbs better than Oxide. The latter is sometimes prescribed for constipation - it sure worked with me (or is that too much info) :-)

pinksally profile image
pinksally in reply to Glenys

Heh heh!I'mnew on here Just joined tonight!) and this really made me chuckle :) Thanks Glenys,Ihave both RLS and, as my GP calls it, FOS (erm, impolite term for constipation:) ) so Iamgoing to try the Magnesium Citrate. Much appreciated, thanks!

Glenys profile image
Glenys in reply to pinksally

FOS! lovve to know what it stands for!! Mag Oxide is good for constipation, but beacause it dunt absorb to well doesn't work as good on the RLS, but Mag Citrate and Flax seed oil also work well as a combination!

secretldy profile image

i have restless legs and the doctor put me on iron tablets and also sent me to a sleep clinic.

Elsbeth profile image

The twitching movements could be something called Myoclonus. I have just been tested for it and am waiting for my results.

My jerks have become quite severe to the point where I have punched my bedside cabinet and my hubby lol. I find that I also twitch during the day if I am tired or concentrating. It is normally my feet or legs but I also get twitches/jerks in my arms, hands and head. I look like I am shaking my head at people.

I got given Diazapan for it.

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