Absolutely fell in love with my tatt 2hrs well spento today. It's about time I started Owning this thing instead of it Owning me! #fibrowarrior ❤
Warrior : Absolutely fell in love with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Wow Kayleigh_91 that is awesome, I 💖 it. You are brave ! I have couple of small tats on arm & leg & would love a fairy on my foot but don't think I could take the pain these days.
Peace, luv n light
Jan x
Ahh thanks jan! I was surprisingly relaxed through it. Only a couple of hurty spots on the butterfly lol. Aww that would look beautiful! I know that you mean we go through enough pain never mind voluntarily doing it hehe you never know you might feel brave enough one day.
=] xx
Hi i have tinker bell on my foot takes up all my foot had it about 14 years now and omg the pain was horrid worse than all my other tats lol x
Yeh the ankle is supposed to be a tough one I think it's because it's so boney lol I bet she looks beautiful! I love tink
Yeah it's the colouring in that's most painful I think. Maybe I will if the chance pops up & I'm not feeling to Dred x
Fantastic shows you are taking charge. Wonder whether it works like acupuncture?x
Wow kayleigh thats lovely but you are a braver lady than me , think that I have enough pain that I do not choose to have , why on earth would I choose to have pain I dont need lol . On saying that I could have all the tattoos I wanted and for free. As if you look at my profile you will see my son is a tattooist he has his own shop in coventry .But im sooooo not brave enough he says I can have numbing cream but still the answer I always give is no because he says it still hurts with the cream ... so no no no , but good on you for taking fibro by the horns and saying I WIN Apain free day and sleep filled night is wished your way ♡
Thanks! That's awesome I'd have a lot more if I had someone in the family tattooing lol. You've had a baby, you can handle anything!! It wasn't too bad in terms of discomfort surprisingly but if it was I would still think it's worth it. It's nice to take something so horrible and create something beautiful I think .
Soft hugs
=] xx
Hello my love ☺
Wow! That is awesome. You must be so pleased with it.
I love the message behind it too.
Hugs. Lu xx
love it (y)
Love it!
That was brave! You wouldn't get me having a tattoo for love nor money 🐸
I love them I just prefer to have ones that mean something
Good for you! I think you are quite right! I was with my hubby when he had both of his tattoos. That's why I wouldn't have one done lol. Put me right off. When he had the first one done the guy offered to lock the shop to do one for me! Women didn't have tatts then! I was a trend setter by having 2 ear piercings! (Was in the 70s lol) 🐸
Thats lovely.xx
Brave lady. It looks good too.
Gorgeous, poignant tattoo, love it. I wouldn't be able to sit long enough to have one done because of the cramps, my daughter has a Piratess from her thigh down to her knee and a penguin on her side, a heart with mum and dad on her arm and the date of her sons birth on her wrist, and she wants to get more. Her sons father does tattoos but not at the moment, he did her tattoos, even though they are not together anymore, but she does have an absolutely lovely fella who treats her like a queen, he also has a son, so they are like a ready made family. She will be moving in with him shortly so i will miss her and my gorgeous grandson who had lived with us since his birth and now he's 4, it will be so strange and lonely, but luckily they are not going to be too far away so i should see them often i hope !? gentle hugs and love xx
your never too old to get a tattoo, go for it!! Lyzzie
Love the tattoo, I have one near my collar bone, I would love another one but bit worried about triggering off an infection or some such, or is that an insult to the artist, but youve set me off thinking about it again, mine is a celtic design, Id love an infinity design on my wrist, or one on the inside of my arm saying "Blood this way"to point all those blood suckers, oops, I mean nice nurses who take your blood in the right direction, what do you think? Lyzzie.
I think I just might, I'd have to do it in secret though as people think I'm eccentric at the best of times, but thats more fun than acting your age isnt it!. Lyzzie x
That is so beautiful, thank you so much for sharing