They lied about my pip assesment. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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They lied about my pip assesment.

house77 profile image
40 Replies

Yes was so upset and cross to recieve my report today,and find they have lied.either it was capita or the dwp.Was not  happy though and rung pip up to complain,in floods of tears.Am a very emontional person as it is.

They never mentioned in the report, how upset i was when two of them turned up to grill me.I told them i was nervous,and could one of them sit behind me,so i would not have to see them..They lied about quiet a few other things too.

I havent been told weather i will be getting pip,but by reading about how they have downgaded my mental state among other health problems,i feel i have not a chance of getting it..

I stuggle every day with my pains,and mental state.I really dont need this on my mind 24/7. Wishing everyone going through this nightmare,a positive octcome..xx

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house77 profile image
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40 Replies
peck profile image

Hello Sorry you were treated this way ..this is how they wanted you to feel. (my opinion).Just know you were honest and that should ease your mind.Be blessed.Peck☺

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to peck

Thank you Peck.

If i was more open with my mental state,i know i would get the help needed,but it so hard for me to open up because it is a senseitive subject with me, with suicide and mental health in my family .. with out  getting in floods of tears. But hate getting upset in front of people.So i feel i am in a catch 22 situaition.Am honest with my Arthuritis/joint pains,wish i could be brave and say i need more help..xx

peck profile image
peck in reply to house77

Sounds to me pain should be enough hate to say but may have to go into other...I'm mentally disabled but not to that degree.Im be polar, depressed, anxiety, panic attack.I do so hope things get better for you.Peck✌

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to peck

Thanks again Peck..

Sorry about all the mental health issues you have been going through too ..xx

peck profile image
peck in reply to house77

Thanks, I've adjusted been disabled since 2001.Have a nice day!!😎

Ladygelf profile image

Hi - just wanted to offer my support. I'm so sorry you were treated this way. I know it's a shock that they could be so heartless and dishonest.

My PIP assessment was done by an Atos 'so called health professional'  he told so many lies and also contradicted himself .... but my outcome was positive after the DWP decision maker saw the glaring errors. 

Sending love and healing to you.


house77 profile image
house77 in reply to Ladygelf

Thank you Lady,

Yes they contradicted what they also said,like yours lady,they said i can walk 200 metres, then on a other sheet they put ,cant walk 200 metres as in pain,etc things like that..glad you got a positive outcome...xx

Ladygelf profile image
Ladygelf in reply to house77

I was assessed on my mental health as well as Fibro and osteoarthritis.  The atos health professional was a mental health nurse, so not qualified to assess my other conditions. He even made huge mistakes on the mental health aspects of the assessment.

Where in the UK do you like? 

There's an NHS service that run's free courses geared toward help with mental health.  In my area it's called the 'Recovery and Well Being College' Maybe called something different in other areas.  The courses are excellent, they've really helped me 'cope' with my issues. Many are run by mental health professionals and people who have accessed the courses and now teach on them. They offer group sessions, which sound daunting at first, but I found that being amongst other people with similar experiences helps to take the 'spotlight' off myself knowing others are in the same boat.

BlueMermaid3  mentioned mind which have also used, as well as my NHS IAPT service which offers CBT.

Hugs xx

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to Ladygelf

hi am in Nottingham.xx

achydunlin profile image

That's awful!  If you have found that you've been turned down put in an appeal and ensure that you get a full copy of the report and what they have said and highlight where they have lied.  I have heard this before and I think it's not unusual where the assessors have downright lied/misrepresented what people have said.  Did you have someone with you at the time?

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to achydunlin

Hello Achydunlin,

No i knew it would be stressful ,opening up about depression etc,i did not want my family or friends to see me in that state..

It was so emontional for me,they could see i was stuggling through out the whole thing..I have the full report ,and i will have to go through it all once again to make sure i have not missed anything out..cheers xx

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi there

Unfortunately this is something we hear often on the forum. 

The same thing happened to me with my ESA. May I suggest that you lock your post, or I can lock it for you?

Here is a link which explains why we lock posts:

Wait and see what your outcome is first. If you don't get awarded, let us know and we will be more than happy to help you Appeal. 

If you only get low rate and want to Appeal for a higher rate just be aware that by doing this you can end up losing your award altogether. Something one of our members found out the hard way. 

Have you ever used MIND, the mental health organisation?  I'll give you their website address.  You can get one to one counselling, courses (for instance for self esteem) all free. It may be something you may wish to consider?

Wishing you much peace over the coming weeks

Lu x

Volunteer Administrator 

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to BlueMermaid3

Thanks Lu,been thinking about doing something like that in a while..I will get in touch with them thanks a lot..xx

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to house77

Do you mean contacting MIND? I use them myself and do highly recommend them. Please would you let me know how you get on? xx

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to BlueMermaid3

Yes Lu, i ment getting in touch with Mind.I will also mention my mental health issues  when i go to my doctors next week,i need to list every thing as i have a bad memory like ,unexpected changes i cant cope with, hate loud music/noises,  poor concentation,low moods,quiet anti social,and cant deal with things going wrong,like today.It sent me a bit crazy. just to name a few ..Cheers yes please lock for me.xx

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to house77

If you want to chat with me in private you're welcome to private message me. Click on my profile. You'll see my profile and on the top right it will say "message"  click there and message me that way if you prefer? 

Talking to your GP is an excellent idea. 

Some of what you have listed is Fibro related and some possible depression. I'm just speaking from personal experience xx

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to BlueMermaid3

thanks i will,but i am so worn out,i will message you tomorrow evening,of to bed now.cheers.xx

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to house77

Ok. No worries at all. Don't feel you have to.

I very much hope you get some sleep xx

Kitten-kat23 profile image

So sorry. Sending soft gentle Hugs. x 

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to Kitten-kat23

Thank you Kitten,sending them back to you too and every one on herexx

sastek profile image

Sorry and angry to hear this, the same thing happened to me on my ESA assessment. When I asked for a Mandatory Appeal I listed every major lie in the Maximus report and there was loads of them.

Hope it turns out OK for you.

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to sastek

 Thanks Sastek

I am sorry to hear they lied on your report too,they must be some commission for them to fail as many  people as possible,as i can not see why they would tell so many fibs in the first place.cheersxx

sastek profile image
sastek in reply to house77

I just wonder about at what point did these nurses decide to turn their backs on their desire to help people and instead participate in causing devastation to the most vulnerable people in society by telling lies and omitting crucial information. 

Now I'm pissed off again, I'd better go and mellow :)

rosewine profile image

I can remember you posting about your assessment and your dismay of having two people there I believe one was a trainee.  It is a pity that mental health issues do not get as much publicity as physical problems and unfortunately it is also underfunded.  The problem with  it seeking help is that your problems are not then recorded in sufficient depth on the assessment.

Try not to worry until you actually know the result, I know this is easier said than done.  We are all rooting for you.😄x

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to rosewine

Thank you Rosewine,

yes been a stressful day,my eyes are real puffy ,as been so upset.lots of pains too.Yes i have got to try calm myself down,as blood pressure must be sky high..Thanks i will let you know when i recieve the results of pip.cheersxx

Sean2375 profile image

Sorry they treated you so badly. X

Shazza11111 profile image

Hi exactly like me not had report etc but had 2 in with and one was not a trainee was lied to she was infact a mental health champion plz look it up as they assess u also

house77 profile image
house77 in reply to Shazza11111

Am sorry about your  bad experience Shaz  with them ..Am so pleased i photo copied all my pip assessment form what I filled in and sent..They made out I did not mention my depression in the form sent to them.When clearly I talk about it quiet a bit.And how it affects me..GLad I have the prove when i ring cab to help me..xx

Distressed1-2 profile image

I had the same problem repDistressed1-2eatedly when it was DLA. I had a social worker with me and she was explosive about how they lied, repeatedly broke the law and treated me. She kept getting their decisions put aside by the Lord Chancellor's Office as having broke the law.

In the end they won, I became too suicidal to go on. Please try to draw all the strength you can from friends, family and those of us on here. Know we are ALL routing for you and hope that you will get it. Remember what happened to me was years ago and on DLA, not PIP.

I hope you get the outcome you deserve and not their lies!

I am not suggesting that you should do this of course, but do you know the law on recoding conversations in the public's interest? Here is one article for example.

Edited By Admin


TheAuthor profile image

Hi house77

I am so genuinely sorry to read this, and I do remember your post about the assessment and how upset you were then. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck with your outcome. Please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


house77 profile image
house77 in reply to TheAuthor

Thank you ken, for your kind words.xx

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to house77

x :)

peck profile image

I don't know about each of you but a liar hits a spot with me that goes deep and stays there.We are adults....children lie to avoid getting in trouble.What reason should an adult have to lie??? Just my opinion.Thanks, Peck.😊

house77 profile image

I know Peck. All i can say is that i was honest in all my paper work to them and my assesment .Why wasn,t they in there report of me..xx

house77 profile image

Hi,  just to thank everyone who,s helped me, with there kind words and support.. I finally have some good news, itss  been around 4 months in total from first telephone call to pip , to recieving a text message a hr ago. They have awareded me pip,no idea what yet,but am so happy that they believe me..Thanks all

MizzshadowCat profile image

hi, they lied on my form too i went through a lot of mental health treatment and i have PCOS among other things . atos lied on their assessment about me and said i was fine when i broke down in the interview i even had doctors letters from GP and Hospital backing me up yet still they wont listen to me. its so degrading going through this . being ill is hard enough with out some job-wit at a desk judging you just to take away the only stabillity i have. how is the government getting away with this? im so upset right now.

deees profile image

hi I had the same after my assessment I made a complaint to ethos and dwp about the assessment who made out I was only taking a light anti depressant when it was actually drug dependence/misuse I have always worked and as soon as I mentioned I work the assessor attitude changed like how can I work how can I get to work so for me I think she knew I would have qualified and went for the least condition with no mention of any other conditions like my paranoid behaviour or nerves luckily I went to appeal and won standard rate by the skin of my teeth but I have asked the people I complained to for an update on my complaint I am still waiting for there rep[y although the dwp has asked for a statement of reason which holds my case back further they don't want to give anyone p I p its only a nurse or health worker not a doctor you see who knows the basics of a medical condition not the law and how it affects you keep complaints going if you feel you weren't considered with all your conditions get real doctors into do the assessments not first aiders

dispared profile image

I know how you feel dear, intimated, I can only imagine how that abuse made your pains go mad for it does me I have to stay away from situations like that its like a conflicting situation and they dont go home in pain from head to toe, and having to eat at tablets just to get the edge of the pain which never goes away. They overwhelm you too dont they. I dont know if you have ever heard of a breathing exercise where you lie down on your back, hopefully that is comfortable but whatever is comfortable for yourself, now only breathing trough your nose big breath in nice and slowly, and out nice and slowly its not a compitition so do what suits you and how long as it suits you and if you nod off thats ok too

I do this and it works for me , i hope it gives you a bit of relief,

God Bless


house77 profile image
house77 in reply to dispared

Hi Roisien,

I now relize I had a bit of a meltdown,as I've been diagnosed last year with Asperger's/Autism...I can not handle to much stress and thats why I was so upset.. I've never tried relaxing tapes or anything like that..Will give them a try though..cheers big

Gwen888 profile image

In future advise them, and I would do so a few days in advance that you will bring a 3rd party to video the entire meeting. This is for your protection and thiers, as a copy at a nomnal cost can be made available to them. Say to them you wish to have documentary evidence and wished to act in honour.

Not what you're looking for?

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