Hi everyone,
I just had to share this with you. Im 42 and was ttc from 34 until 40. I did 4ivf, had 2 natural pregnancies ending in mc. Then I spoke to a friend who suggested giving up gluten. I had tried everything, the supplements, the acupuncture, diets the lot, so had nothing to lose. My AMH was the level of a 45 yr old.
I fell pregnant the July before my 40th in October, Jack is now 28 months.
We decided to try again so last June stopped gluten again, and God willing Im 7 weeks on Tuesday.
I had been under a digestive specialist who ran a genetic test, and Im a carrier if the coeliac gene. This could have been the reason for "unexplained infertility "
I know its a long shot, but.....it is worth looking in to. Look on google for gluten and infertility, and gluten gene carrier and infertility.
I know there are women here with other reasons, but for those with no real reason why.... I had to share.
Baby dust to all.