Bfn our miracle wasn't ready to happe... - Fertility Road Mi...

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Bfn our miracle wasn't ready to happen yet...

22 Replies

Our miracle never came this time, 18dp3dt, day 39 no AF ( did I mention progesterone is a total mind f*"k :( )

Now waiting to see if we get a last try. The hospital committee will meet in the next three weeks.

Been given one of only 20 places for a sperm study after Easter through the hospital so hope that's a good sign.

For now, relax, recover, lose the kilos, enjoy my life again, walk my fluff ball dog. (Who is definitely getting a bath tonight now I can be normal again!)

Wishing you all luck in your journeys, stay calm, DON'T TEST EARLY, be good to yourselves and your super partners.

Today, I'm glad hubby was here with me, that we are in this together and that the love we have is bringing us ever closer together.

Thanks for all your messages and prayers and support. You are all in my prayers. My super hero girls :)

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22 Replies
Helto200 profile image

I'm absolutely gutted for you. But glad you are staying positives. Hubby's can defo be good at times. X

in reply to Helto200

He's amazing hon, feeling very lucky to have him

Hi! am so sorry. Keep positive you are strong and an inspiration to others. Our miracle will come, keeping you in my prayer. Hope!

in reply to

Thanks hope :)

Going to get my life back for the next 3 months, in a super hot bath as I type ;)

kc21 profile image

I am so shocked ! Are you on the pessaries for progesterone ? Xx

Look after yourself ! Xxx

in reply to kc21

Hey I was on patches and pessaries, the patch went in the hospital bin, last time af came bang on day 29, silly cow made me hope this time, day 39, cow ;)

Fingerscrossed4 profile image

So sorry to hear. Keep hopeful xxx

in reply to Fingerscrossed4

Trying xx

Murph82 profile image

This has really upset me, I'm gutted for you. I hope you get your last try and i'll keep you in my thoughts. Glad you and your hubby have each other. Take good care of yourself xxx

Kimmy2016 profile image

So sorry to hear this. I really thought it would be good news. You have been so strong and positive throughout. Your time will come 🙏🏽 xx

in reply to Kimmy2016

Hope so Kimmy ;)

Kat9lives profile image

So sorry to hear this lovely. Take care of yourselves xxx

in reply to Kat9lives

Thanks kat xx

Funny, can't face taking to friends and family... You girls are amazing :) thanks for all your hopes and prayers. Baby dust to all.

Me??? I'm having a super hot bath then a proper cup of tea and been out for a 6km dog walk. Might be unhappy right now, but refuse to be fat(ter)

Big hugs

Re my earlier message, I'm sorry, only saw this post now. Enjoy your bath & big cup of tea, X.

in reply to

Bath and brew definitely the way forward :) feeling a bit more human. Off to bed, got a lovely stressy day headache.

Sweet dreams

Twistedwillow profile image

Ah, I'm so very very sorry to log into the site and see your update. I'm in holiday and have been away from wifi and this has been my first chance. So sorry that your news wasn't positive. Your message above is thoughtful and shows just how important this was to you both and how important you both are to each other. I am so pleased to hear that you have each other for support. Sending big hug from Italy - I'm in pasta and coffee heaven and desperately trying to limit my carbs and avoid the amazing coffee. I spent 5mins sitting down in a piazza this afternoon trying to be good and think about how lucky I am and I know I am ... But still we will keep hoping for that extra little bit of hope/luck/whatever it is that will bring us a healthy baby!

Giant hug and best of wishes for you guys going forwards xx

Summan profile image

Hi, what sad news but don't give up hope, it will happen, sending lots of love and hugs. xxx

Macca13 profile image

Gutted for you petal.. Xxx

Marmo profile image

Thank you so much for your kind words of wisdom, dear!! We're all in this wait - me facing the secondary infertility which is absolutely emotionally draining. And this is not what I felt about it earlier. I thought what else a woman having already had her baby could want more!!? This path is the same unfortunately :( Not worse but just the same painful path....Everything from the very beginning with donor eggs.

Praying for everybody here X

hope84 profile image

Everytime I read one of your posts it get me thinking how brave and positive you remain through everything. Giving the rest of us hope to get up and carry on!!! And this is only my first cycle I can't think of a no at the moment trying to remain positive with what have so far and hoping this will be enough. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope they allow another try!! Xx

rosy_l profile image

Sorry to hear this, get your mind set back together the next few months and then next time will be your time xxx

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