Hi all,
I recently noticed im getting little attacks of heat and then feeling really sick usually lasts about 2-5mins and literally comes out of no where i dint even think about it.
Im not sure if it is anxiety kr something else. I wasnt sure what coudl trigger it as its just random llaces at work, outside, at home and now even when im in bed.
I recently had throat opperatoon to remove cyst but all went smooth and now waiting for scar to heal. Im also waiting for my ivf process to start , har all the test with the clinic, the only thing is they found little skintag in ny whomb whcich im waiting for a appointment for to get the camera in there and removal which hopefully will be soon and they said wont take longer than 30min .
So not sure what could be as im ahead with everything i know what is happening and we have been waiting for this all for while so its nothing new.
Any suggestions?
Im trying exercising once a week and even trying meditation but doesnt seem to be doing much .