The International Fertility Company has arranged two free patient events in London on 4/5 October. On the 4th UR Vistahermosa from Alicante will offer one to ones with their medical team and on 5th October the Unica CLinic from Prague will do the same. Events will be held at the My Healthcare Clinic in Fulham. Contact for more information
Fertility Treatment Abroad - Free Con... - Fertility Road Mi...
Fertility Treatment Abroad - Free Consultations
I guess these open sessions are really helpful for women going through their infertility struggle. Firstly, it's hard to accept the fact that infertility has been diagnosed. Thereafter, it's a subtle inability to open up about discussing infertility and the usual consultation never seems to be enough. These discussion sessions offered by the proficient fertility clinics not only provide guidance and hope to the infertile women they also learn to open up about it and accept their situation. Biotexcom is going worldwide reaching out to millions of women with their free consultation - open days. for more information look into:
Whether or not you enlist with the clinic or not you get a perspective on how to look for a solution to your infertility problem. Feeling optimism and confidence definitely helps in winning the war with infertility.
Yes, you're right... the consultations totally help to regain the lost confidence that the failed attempts has sown into you. It's really generous and benevolent for the Clinics to organise such free counselling. I have had 2 failed attempts at IVF and still looking for ways to find success. The most part of it all is unexplained except my low ovarian reserve and the medical history of PCOS in my early 20s. From what I've experienced all throughout I believe that the optimism is very much needed to have the strength to move forward. Needless to mention that's all left to do and the only way to find success if any your fate holds for you. I guess the hardest part that almost threatens to crush the strength and confidence is the dilemmas that you face along the way. My RE suggests DE conception as naturally there's no other reasonable alternatives that we can try to test our luck about being parents. I guess we'll walk that way but just need some time to mull it all up and make our mind.
Hi, @Katty_Holz, I'm sorry to hear about your strugglings. This pains to see so many lovely women facing fertility issues. Just like you, we got 2 failed ivf cysles under belt, but de could never be the answer. My womb's malformated in a way, that's why our dr didn't feel optimistic about pushing me onto more ivf cycles..The previous attempts ended with heartbreaking mc..We had to use a gestational our paths differ. Anyway, have you ever considered trying out mtiochondrial donation with ivf?? They say the option is aimed for ripe age women with low amh or failed oe ivf cycles..Did your dr offer this to you??
I have never heard about the Unica CLinic from Czech Rep, and many ladies often mention Zlin or Reprogenesis, if we mean IVF treatment in Czech Rep. I am a regular user of eggdonationfriends, and indeed they mention Vistahermosa as one of the best clinics in Europe, here is their link: