I have PCOS and currently on day 7 of my 2ww of my 5dpt. I had a birthday party last night and my excuse for not drinking was that I was on medication. Not many people asked questions which was fine. I got home at 2.30 this morning and decided to test and it was negative. I was fine with it but this afternoon I have realised that it is not ok and there is a chance of getting a negative result. So things really started to hit home. I told the OH and he told me not to worry and went off to work. I am always positive and good at keeping a lid on things but I have never sobbed so much like I did today. Although my mum and sister know about the IVF process but I don't go into so much detail of how I am truly feeling. Not even to my OH as I am always worried about everyone else. I felt so much better after my good cry but still have this negative result in the back of my mind.
Was it too early to test? My OTD is 24th and have no symptoms apart from some twinges in my tummy.