Searching for other Mindful Mumas-to-be! - Fertility Network UK

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Searching for other Mindful Mumas-to-be!

Mindful-Muma-to-be profile image
3 Replies

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Hello Ladies, okay a little background. I’ve been TTC for just over 2 years. I was diagnosed with endometriosis 12 years ago and up until 6 months ago I used to have periods from hell. I used to spend seven days on strong painkillers and could barely function for the first three days of my cycle.

On my fertility quest I have tried acupuncture, chinese herbs, abdominal massage, yoga, supplements, theta healing, mindful meditation for stress reduction and radical changes to my diet (I am now dairy, gluten, soya, red meat, caffeine, alcohol and processed sugar free!)

My last period was PAIN FREE and lasted for three days. So I’m doing something right!

We’ve done 2 rounds of IUI with hormone injections and are lined up for IVF Before taking this step I want to be sure that I’ve done everything I can to help my body to conceive naturally. As you know there is a huge link between our minds and our body. If we are nervous our stomach has butterflies, if we are stressed, we can feel it in every part of our body.

I’ve just completed a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course through my fertility clinic and the techniques are helping me so much to deal with the sorrow and anger that comes with infertility.

I am keen to get in touch with other women who are interested in the mind-body link and how it affects fertility. Everyone keeps telling me that stress can affect fertility, but the biggest stress in my life is infertility!

I’ve started a Facebook group to discuss fertility boost tips, positive psychology, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Meditation, healthy eating and how to stop yourself going crazy on this journey to motherhood! It’s a secret group so won’t show up on your page or newsfeed, but it also means that you can’t search for it you have to go directly to the page via this link:

Mindful Mumas-to-be:

Within the group I’ve posted lots of information and video clips on mindfulness-based stress reduction and positive psychology, which I think any woman trying to conceive could do with!

This group is for anyone TTC or pregnant following difficulties/worries. I feel very strongly that forums and groups that kick people out as soon as they get that positive pregnancy result are adding to the feelings of separation that women feel while trying to conceive. It encourages a “them and us” mentality which is not healthy. The research I am undertaking also indicates that if someone has suffered from infertility getting that BFP (big fat positive in forum lingo) does not wipe out all of the months of worry and upset. Yes you have reached your much longed for goal but may feel more anxious about pregnancy than if you conceived straightaway and have more fears regarding loosing the pregnancy. Women who are now pregnant can offer amazing advice and support to those still TTC and in turn the group will support each other throughout their TTC journeys and pregnancies.

(I am also organising London based meet ups, but you don’t need to be London based to join the group.)

If you are just after fertility tips and a fun group obsessed with chatting about the best sexual positions, how to give up caffeine, if "Baby on board" badges actually work and an obsession with mini eggs, then join us at:

Up-the-duff (or soon to be!) Divas!

(Again a secret group)

You are not alone

Mindful Muma-to-be

Mindful Mumas-to-be:

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3 Replies
Mindful-Muma-to-be profile image

Just tested the links and Facebook secret groups are so secret, they work let you in, even via URL link! Trying to get around this, as don't want it to be a closed group as then activity will be listed on our newsfeeds and don't really want to announce to all our friends and families that we are TTC!

In the meantime , email me at and I can send you a link via email that will allow you to join the group.

pollypopps profile image

well done in setting these up, I'd love to join your mindful mumas to be, and have sent you an email.

Its a tough thing going through infertility, especially when the people around you don't understand, or can't put themselves in our shoes (I just don't get this :( )


Really interested! I'm sure mayn of us have considered this element during our journeys. I know I have my relaxation tracks ready for my next round of treatment, as being in a chilled out place at the time of treatment is really good. Last time when I was listening to my relaxation tapes at the clinics, the nurses were really supportive.

what I didn't realise this round was how the stress was affecting my sleep, until I finally got some good news from my clinic, then that night for the first time in ages, I actually slept through the night.

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