I'm due to start my 3rd round of IVF in two weeks time, can anyone recommend some probiotics I could start please?
Probiotics: I'm due to start my 3rd... - Fertility Network UK

My clinic recommend Gyntima Probiotica. They are pessaries you insert vaginally which apparently is more effective than taking pill form .
My clinic recommended the DAYE pro-viotics, they are now just sold as oral tables but they used to be sold as vaginal ones, I was told to take them vagibally. Also took optibac ones!
I took both oral and vaginal probiotics in the run up to my successful transfer. Biogaia (oral) and Canesflor (vaginal), though they seem to have discontinued Canesflor in the meantime. Very best of luck with your transfer!
I was advised to take Bio Me Femme V and to use Canesflor ahead of transfer. This has been discontinued so I purchased Floragyn instead.
I'm taking Optibac orally. Wishing you the best with it 💖
I have been taking vagibiom as they contain crispatus which many don't. I originally started these after my Fertilysis microbiome test came back with bad bacteria and no good bacteria. These helped me put my levels to normal again. X
I’m taking optibac which was recommended by a few ladies in the lead up to my FET! Sending you the best of luck for your third round 💕
One of my biopsies from my recent hysteroscopy came back with a mild ingestion. As well as antibiotics i’ve been told to take invivo bio.me femme v xxxx