After waiting over a year to be referred by my GP, we finally had our first fertility consultation on Friday. All went well apart from when she pointed out that I had not had my AMH tested and this was something that determined whether we got funding.
I was booked in for 11th December however the anxiety and stress of what if was too much so I arranged for a private AMH test.
Luckily I did as my results have come back at 3.7. It has to be over 5 for the funding. My next appointment with my fertility consultant is on 20th December. I have emailed her my results from today. I still am booked in for a thyroid and HIV test on the 11th, however I’m now faced with no funding and now I need to go private.
I wish they just tested this a year ago and told me there and then because I would have explored other options rather than being told I’m fine for a year.
Can anyone please let me know what to look for when I’m choosing a clinic?
Should I still wait for my 20th December appointment even though I know I’m not eligible.?
has anyone been in this position before?
Any support will be hugely appreciated x