Most upset today, I expected to start my first round of ivf but have been told for the third time it can’t start as this time the theatre is closed for a week from 1st - 8th July. No prior warning. Previously my period fell on two bank holidays so I missed two months then I had a mixed up with meds. I’m 6 months down the line and haven’t even had an egg collection age 40. I honestly feel so deflated, I don’t feel like this is ever go to happen. Help, I need support from those who understand and sending some positivity.
Theatre closed - another month to wai... - Fertility Network UK
Theatre closed - another month to wait :(

This sounds like your clinic don't care much about their patients if you ask me. Are you tied in with them or can you change to a different one?
I’m really sorry to hear this, I can’t offer any advice other than I would be asking to speak to the clinic manager or similar and I would want reassurances about when it is going to happen! Definitely put in some sort of complaint and see if you can have a meeting/phone call for some reassurance xx
Thanks, this is good advice I will follow up with an email. It’s so poor to just keep delaying people and to be so casual about it. Better communication is needed I will be feeding this back. Thank you for your reply ❤️
our clinic close at the same time and at Christmas too and I’ve missed a few rounds due to this but as a well travelled patient with then I know the dates but not sure someone on their first round would know! They should defo be more upfront about it! I’m preparing my lining for a frozen transfer and if it isn’t thick enough this week for transfer next week (before July 1st closures) our transfer will be cancelled but I took this risk going in as I knew the dates and asked then several times about it but I can imagine it’s been sprung on some people! I hope you get in next month and once you do start it does go really fast from that point on is the good news 🤗 xx
it’s very frustrating, I feel for you. I was just about to start my first cycle when covid halted everything. I was devastated and thought the clinics would never reopen. It felt like the longest wait ever. I think I had to wait 4 months so all I could do was try and focus on getting as prepared as I could. I focused on getting good exercise, setting myself exercise goals and really focusing on diet. It helped pass the time a bit.
I was with access fertility but they let me swap to another clinic who had a better grasp on their admin. I ended up returning to the original clinic for the cycle that worked.
I remember how hard the wait is, I just tried to distract myself and tried to use the time to optimise my health, but it’s not easy. One day soon, you’ll be at that egg collection 🙏🙏🍀🍀 xx
Thanks for the reply! Interesting you could change with access fertility, they didn’t discuss the option. I have my head around having to wait now and I have been a little stressed, the universe clearly decided for me. If we get the baby at the end it will be worth all this stress 🙏🏻 I will be using this time to work on my health, thanks again xxxx
The waiting is by far the hardest bit and I really feel that for you. Our clinic closed over Christmas, as I think most do, which ended up delaying things by two cycles for my final round of IVF. It's devastating and frustrating and feels like your time is slipping away.I tried to use the time purposefully, just as KitKat did, by going on a diet and exercise regime to feel like I was doing something productive that could benefit the IVF but in all honesty, every day felt like a week.
Be kind to yourself and trust that it will happen eventually - you'll be in that retrieval room before you know it xxx
Hello, sending you a lot of positive vibes and support! you are not alone, somehow we need to go forward one step at a time. 🤗
Just wanted to send a hug hun, that's incredibly frustrating, I started IVF at 40 and remember well how aware of time I was and how desperate to get on with things. Clinics can be utterly rubbish about this kind of thing can't they. Not that it in any way makes this better or ok, but if it's reassuring at all my son comes from an egg collection a week before I turned 41.
Thank you! I really appreciate your reply! It so great to hear your magical outcome! Can I ask when you started the journey did it feel like it was never going to happen? I try to be positive but when it’s something you want so badly I can help my mind move to the worst case scenario. Any tips would be appreciated 🙏🏻 xxxxx
Oh gosh hun I can definitely relate to feeling it would never happen, felt this way so many times. I actually started my journey at 40 having never tried to get pregnant before, went straight to IVF (I'm a solo Mum by choice). I had 3 egg collections in a year while 40, my son coming from the 3rd (he was the 3rd transfer from the 3rd collection). I actually found my results from each collection got better, even though I was getting older, I think because I started focusing on diet and supplements, which made a big difference for me (I wrote some posts at the time actually). I found the book 'it starts with the egg' by Rebecca Fett really helpful especially for supplements, and saw a fertility nutritionist which made a big difference for me. I also responded better to one stimulation medication (Menopur) compared to the one I had in my first cycle, but I think that can be different for each person. I would get your vitamin D, testosterone, and DHEA-S levels checked (the book explains more about this) and consider the recommended supplements based on the results. There are online companies that will do the blood tests for you like Medichecks (sometimes easier than wrangling with the clinic). Please feel free to ask any questions.
Thanks so much for replying! I hope one day I can give advice to others with a baby in my arms ❤️ I love that you have done it on your own, well done! I have been concentrating on diet, I have read it’s starts with an egg and other books, had acupuncture. I got some DHEA from America but stopped taking it as felt a bit odd, I need to book a test really to check my levels. I have three rounds paid for and just want to get started now! I will be on menopur too. I guess all I can do is wait now and work on myself and being positive! Xxxx
Thank you! It sounds like you've been incredibly proactive and doing all you can, it's so hard isn't it because however much we do there's still so much that's out of our control. Fingers crossed your clinic get themselves in gear and get a move on, I've got everything crossed for you.
Very strange indeed. Even if your period fell on a bank holiday, I would've expected them to have given you the meds and created a plan before then so that you could start treatment when your body was ready (as my clinic did). If this is your third time being put off I'd probably start looking at other clinics. With a medicated cycle they can time when they do things, so that shouldn't be holding you back. Good luck! X
Thanks I purchased a 3 cycle package via access fertility at this clinic so it’s not that easy to change. Plus I did start one round out of the four attempts but I messed up the medication and it had to be cancellled. The clinic is nhs & private at a hospital, I maybe should have paid more for private only. Let’s hope next time happens 🤞🏼