Hi. Looking to see if anyone else has experienced this and what they’ve done which has helped.
I’ve been TTC through IVF for 8-9 months now. We’re currently prepping for 2nd of 3 mild stimulated cycles. It’s not been an easy ride so far, with lots of confusion, disappointment and false starts. I ovulated before EC last week which really upset me.
The point of this post is that I feel like I’m losing the plot. My anxiety is getting worse and worse and I’m messing things up left right and centre. I worry obsessively and catastrophise about literally everything (IVF, broader health, work, home, relationships…). And I’m making mistakes - getting work stuff wrong, housework stacking up and after dinging my car door earlier this week, today I just drove into a bollard and badly damaged my car - cue insurance claim. I’ve never had an accident in over 10 years of driving. I’m just not thinking clearly and blaming myself for all of it. I’m seriously concerned I’m becoming a liability and should maybe just stay home and not do anything! Not good for depression though. I’m scared I’m going to mess something big up soon.
I may just be overloaded and full of hormones and in need of time out. But I don’t know how realistic that is. Should I be starting another treatment cycle now or should I wait and give myself some time? I worry by doing so I’m just losing precious time - I’m 41 with very low AMH and low FC. So time isn’t on my side.
Has anyone else felt this way? What did you do? Thanks in advance x