hi ladies.
I very rarely post here as I was lucky enough to have my daughters ages 4 and nearly 2 after a tough 7 year journey for our first. We have also had 4 miscarriages and 1 late loss.
I have been a serial early tester after having our first daughter too scared after a long journey with her to test early ! Testing as 12 DPO but this cycle it didn't show and I was convinced it was done especially with heavy period cramping a day after missed period so take a test to show myself it was really over this cycle but instead got a surprise BFP. So it is very possible to have false negatives if testing before missed period. I hope this offers hope to anyone else testing early but not yet seeing BFP hang on in there - it ain't over till period is here! I hope my post doesn't offend not my intention at all, I am not really confident at all of not having another miscarriage after 5 losses but one day at time. Lots of baby dust to all xx