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Just saying hello and opinions for PGS testing on frozen embryos 🫣

Klndmr profile image
35 Replies

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Heyyy my lovely people ☺️ Hope you are all well. I haven't posted in a while but I'm always around reading your stories and praying to God we all get out miracles asap 😁😁😁

I'm still following my new years resolutions one of which is of course dieting and exercising 😁😁😁 Let's see how long will that one last this time 😁🫣

I'm awaiting for a hysteroscopy with the NHS and even though the recurrent miscarriage consultant promised to do it in January it was too good to be true. Hopefully I'll have it done in April and if all goes well transfer will be May maybe.

I'm saying maybe because I haven't felt that good for so long! I finally feel myself, I'm not bloated, my hair isn't falling, I've lost weight and I feel calm and happy. And I want to live like that for a few more months 😂 but knowing myself probably in a few days time I will change my mind and opt to have the transfer sooner.

Even though my old consultant didn't believe in PGS testing I was wondering what do you think about pgs testing on frozen embryos? I'm with very mixed feelings. On one side would be great to test them and prevent another failure, but on the other side I'm scared to lose my two remaining precious embryos as they might have better luck then the rest of the batch.

Decisions decisions decisions. It's never easy for us isn't it 🫣🥰❤️

Sending much loved, hugs, smiles and positive vibes to you all.

And of course a picture of me in case any of you missed my silly face 😁😁😁

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Klndmr profile image
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35 Replies
Babyrainbow profile image

happy to see you back and going strong. Hang in there with the dieting and it may help with the embryos this time. You never know what works. Mine worked after I lost 10 kgs before the transfer.

I did not do any pgs testing so not much help there. Wishing you all the luck with your next round and hysteroscopy. 😘🤞🏼🌈🍀❤️💕

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toBabyrainbow

Thank you very much! I've actually never been overweight when doing a transfer, I would always put on weight after a loss but then lose it again before the next transfer. But this time things got a bit more out of control and my hormones were all over the place for over 3 months. 🫣🤗🙈Hope you are doing great! 🥰🙈🌻

Babyrainbow profile image
Babyrainbow in reply toKlndmr

doing well here. Good luck with the testing and transfer.

awww I’m so glad to see you looking so happy! and trim! Like you I’m also continually dieting so I’m right there with you on that part. I was there too before trying everything so dieting, caffeine free, alcohol free, acupuncture, exercise and massage and I know you’ll be doing some/most of those things. My hysteroscopy/polypectomy was eagerly awaited too and I think happened in May. I think they suggested having one period - so my first transfer was July - in my mind I remember thinking I wanted a body ready so I wanted to wait for that period. But they did say you can go straight away. Although I was old (according to fertility) it felt right still to take time and be patient. Can’t help you on PGS testing. At the time I really wanted it as all my US friends seemed to have it. But then hearing it can risk the embryos I’m not so sure in retrospect. Also I’m not sure how much it’s helped people I know who have had it, but right there with you whatever you decide. Much love ❤️ and all my hope for you ❤️

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toPositivechangeplease

Thank you! Ever since we started TTC and IVF I'm on a diet pretty much half of each year 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's like losing the weights doing a transfer, or stims and then putting on weight again. Never ending story hahaha. Im with very mixed feelings when it comes to PGT too and my last consultant didn't believe in it anyway which made me more against it. But then seeing many people doing it and having a success it makes me think at times. But I'll probably not do it now as I've got only two embryos left and won't dare to risk losing them 😁

Hope you are doing great! Smiles and hugs your way xxx 🥰🤗🌞

Positivechangeplease profile image
Positivechangeplease in reply toKlndmr

I love seeing your happy smiling face and all fine here! Weight finally coming off but also not really looking like it has.

I’m keeping everything crossed for your final embryos 🤞🤞🤞 btw did you ever get referred to Tommy’s? Did they help?

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toPositivechangeplease

Glad is all well with you! Nope I never get referred, the recurrent miscarriage consultant even dared to ask me why I want to be referred to Tommy's. I've left a few messages for my GP cause seems like referral needs to come from the GP but I've changed my GP a year ago when we moved and seems like it takes ages for them to gather all my records and get back to me 🙈🤣 It's such a joke sometimes and it makes you feel like nobody actually wants to help you. But it is what it is, as long as they do my hysterescopy in April I'll be happy 🤗

Positivechangeplease profile image
Positivechangeplease in reply toKlndmr

how frustrating! I don’t know if it’s worth trying to contact them directly but I do think you’re right that you need a referral. Yes, at least a hysteroscopy will check and sort you out. 🤞🤞 you’re on track for April. Not too long now! X

Baby_gurl profile image

Happy to hear you’re feeling better than ever :).

I did PGS testing on my 5 frozen embryos. One did not survive the thawing process and upon testing one was found to not be viable. That left us with 3 and one of them is our now almost 3 year old daughter. I did try again for baby #3 few weeks ago but it was unsuccessful. Everything went well, embryo just didn’t implant. I think it depends on who you ask really but we did it because we didn’t want to keep putting in embryos that stood no chance. That being said, it feels like its all a gamble. Sometimes i think its just down to luck.

Best of luck for May or sooner 😉 - keeping fingers crossed for you xx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toBaby_gurl

Thank you for your reply and I'm sorry your last transfer didn't work. ❤️❤️❤️Hope you are doing well 🌻I do think as well that most times it's all down to luck and in all honesty testing two last precious embryos would be too big of a risk 🙈🙈🙈😸

pink_lemon profile image

Tough decision :( my clinic does not test once embryos are frozen because of the related risks of losing them :( I wanted to retest one that came back with no result, clinic said no. So tgat os one perspective..

All tge best whatever you decide. xx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply topink_lemon

Thank you very much for your reply. My clinic doesn't really support PGT much and they don't even offer it when you have stims and EC and my last consultant didn't believe in it so I didn't really think about it much. It's just now when I'm seeing how popular it gets and makes me think at times. But I think I've made up my mind and I'll just go on with a transfer and see what happens 🤗🌻❤️

Twiglet2 profile image

hey 👋🏼 so happy to see you happy 😊 my opinion for what it’s worth in the testing would be I probs wouldn’t and here’s how my wind works that out a)there’s only 2 of them so transferring them would be a quick way to see if they are viable so not too much time lost transferring them instead b) the freeze and re freeze and possibility of damaging the embryos doing that as well as the sample would worry me too much and c) ££ when the cost of a transfer is about the same I would just ‘test’ if they are gonna work that way in the best place for them

I think the only way I would test a couple of frozen embryos is if there was a known genetic issue personally but with testing there’s no right or wrong answer but that’s my mind’s meanderings on it in case it helps you any 🤗 hope they take you in April and all goes well xx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toTwiglet2

Thank you for your reply! I can't help it you know, one day I think "Nooo, I don't support PGT" then I wake up the next day and I'm like "should I do it or not". But that said I agree with all you wrote, it's too big of a risk thawing the embryos to test them, I'll just take my chances and see what happens. I hope too they get me in for a hysteroscopy in April, it's so frustrating. I had it promised for January and I wouldn't mind if it was a few weeks or even a month after that, but when they've told me end of April I got so angry. I'll give them another call to remind them about myself 🤣🤣🤣

Hope you are doing well! Have you managed to find a places for ERA and the other tests? Xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toKlndmr

yeah I’ve been the same the last 2 rounds on testing but as I’ve not had many embryos that made it easier to decide for me. So for the ERA etc here’s my ramble (you will wish you never asked 🤣) I contacted a few clinics abroad (Spain) and then I went down the ‘why don’t I just do the whole thing abroad not just the testing’ route as obviously they were speaking to me about that too. One of them just told me the other day though that they wouldn’t accept our donor from the European sperm as even though it was anonymous we had seen a childhood pic and extensive medical history they said it has to be a closed donor with no pics on the ESB in the whole of Spain. I’m just waiting on the the other 2 clinics coming back to confirm that but we don’t want to change donor as we want to use the same one as we had for my son (both think it’s important). So yeah basically I’ve went off on a tangent 🤣 and no further forward lol so will probs just do another round at our existing clinic and I don’t know about the testing part 🙈😂 xx

Bexarama83 profile image

I’m a big advocate of testing. I had 2 miscarriages so wanted to reduce risk on our final fresh. We had 6 tested, 3 abnormal, 1 normal, 2 mosaic. I’ve just had the normal transferred so 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 but imagine if I’d not done the testing? Best of luck to you! X

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toBexarama83

Thank you for your reply! All the best of luck with the 2ww and I hope you get two beautiful strong lines at OTD!!! All my fingers crossed for you ☺️

Corchi profile image

I’m a huge advocate on pgs testing! I had 7 miscarriages and i then did ivf and pgs tested all embryos. Nothing happened to them got results put in first one and worked immediately and he is 2 now and currently pregnant with second pgs tested embryo at 5 weeks. Fingers crossed. Remember they biopsy the outer ring of embryo not the inside which is cells of baby. The outer ring is part which would attach on placenta and come off anyway. I would much rather know and not waste more precious time and heartbreak. Just my opinion xxxx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toCorchi

7 lol, almost the same I've had 8 losses in total and it's just too much to take on isn't it. But of course still going strong and will fight until I get my miracle too! Congratulations on your pregnancy and it's great to see successful stories after such a tough journey!

I think I'll just go with transfering the last two embryos and if God forbid I have to do another retrieval I'll probably think about testing the embryos. I'll probably have to change clinics for that as my clinic isn't a big fan of PGT and I'm not even sure they do it anyway 🤗🌻🙈

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply toKlndmr

good luck sweetie cxxx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toCorchi

Thank you Hun 😘😚 xxx

Hey lovely! You are looking great! So glad to hear you are feeling better about yourself. I can't help with PGS but I did want to say that I got to the point where you got to, where I almost didn't want to start again because I was feeling so much better about life and so much more in control, and that was definitely the best round in terms of mental balance and calmness etc., and the one that led to a BFP.. so I think this is a really positive position to be in.

Fingers crossed you get the go ahead for your hysteroscopy soon! Enjoy your freedom beforehand! Keep us updated. Lots of love xx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply to

Hey my lovely favourite Daisy 🤗 Hope you are doing great! How are you getting on with the blood thinners? Hope things have improved. Btw a friend of mine was on them until the end of her pregnancy and two months after she gave birth. She used to do them in her thighs and arms too, arms is a good place to do them too. You know how is it, I'm with mixed feelings. One day I want to give myself more time, the next day I want to go straight in for another transfer 🤣🤗 never ending story. But I'll just have a transfer in May and take it from there ☺️🌞🥰

If things work would be amazing, If things don't work I've chosen a clinic in my home country Bulgaria and I'll just go there and stay with my brother and have a treatment while looking after my niece who is due in June 🤣🤣🤣🤣

supportplease profile image

Hey! It's so so good to see you happy , healthy and super positive..tbh your positivity and constant smile has always been an inspiration to me :) It takes a hell lot of courage and strength to be that way..

Re PGS testing, I'm not v convinced it works correctly every time. Having transferred an euploid last year, it ended with a blighted ovum which apparently is due to chromosomal abnormalities. That then makes you think about testing them in the first place. They only take a few cells from the outer area so the results may have slight degree of error. Secondly unsure how much effect it will have on your frozen embryos. Thaw to test, biopsy, freeze, thaw to transfer. How much damage will they cause to the embryo, nobody knows. Even going for a FET has the odd chance that the embryo doesn't survive the thaw.

Ultimately its personal choice and we'll all be rooting for you whichever route you decide to take.

Look after yourself and take care xx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply tosupportplease

Thank you ever so much for your reply. I actually share your opinion and I'm with mixed feelings about the whole testing thing. It's just when I read about all the clinics who believe it's crucial for a successful outcome makes me think . But I've made up my mind and I won't be risking my last two embryos. I will just go for a transfer in May and take it from there.How are you doing? Hope everything is going well for you! 💕🌻❤️

DreamingOfTwo79 profile image

Hey hey! Well done for getting yourself into such a positive mindset and feeling physically so well recovered, you're one strong lady! It is such a personal choice, a lot may depend on whether or not you'd be prepared to do further rounds of egg collections? It may be safer to test any freshly cultured embryos where, depending on the number of rounds you are doing prior to testing, they can be biopsied before they're frozen rather than risk some of them not surviving the thawing, refreeze and then thaw again process. If you only have those precious two, it might indeed be an option to transfer them if you can cope with potentially going through yet another heartbreaking experience of early loss in case the embryos turned out aneuploid or some other factor caused them to leave you prematurely. Personally, I would always PGT-A test but for us having this option to check the chromosomal makeup of our embryos prior to transfer was the sole reason we embarked on IVF after losing four babies back to back in the first trimester we had conceived naturally. Wishing you so much luck for your next steps! X

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toDreamingOfTwo79

Thank you very much for your reply. I think I'll just go with a transfer in may and take it from there ☺️🤗☺️🤗 Not worth the risk of losing my last two precious embryos 😁 they might be the ones who knows 🥰🥰🤠Best of luck with your transfer in March! 🤗🤗🤗🌻🌻🌻🌻😘😘😘😘

Sandydaiz profile image

Great to see you! And the positivity is screaming off you! Looking forward to what is ahead for you!I'm just finished another cycle. Beta is Tuesday, 14dp5dt, but not holding much hope. Doc said 10% chance but my AMH had gone from 5 to 17 so we thought we would give it a shot. I'm 42. Still have a frozen one from last year. Transferred 2 this time but my boobs aren't sore like from my previous positive cycles. But I suppose we had to try.

Delighted to hear you are feeling good. Onwards and upwards!

Sandydaiz profile image

BTW, we didn't opt for PGT because we figured we were going to transfer anyway and hope for the best.

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toSandydaiz

You must be hopeful!!! Think positively and I hope with all my heart you see two beautiful strong lines! I'll be looking out for an update with good news!!!I've made my mind up anyway, I'll go with a transfer in May and see what happens. Who knows, they might be my lucky embryos 😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️

Solly-44 profile image

Well you’re looking great so it’s good to know you’re feeling it too!

I completely understand why you’d want to test the embryos. I’d say go for it if you were doing a fresh cycle, but I personally wouldn’t if they’re frozen. This was something we raised at a consultation (which was with our clinic’s director and someone who’s advice I’ve always felt confident in). He said he doesn’t recommend testing frozen embryos because of the risks associated. Mainly his concern was the freezing, thawing, then freezing and thawing again rather than just the testing process. A big factor in my confidence was that we saw him at an NHS clinic. He runs a very expensive private clinic and I mentioned transferring there as they don’t PGS test at my current place, and even with the temptation of making money off us 💰 he said not to.

Sorry that turned out so long 😂 Wishing you all the luck - keep at whatever you’re doing, it’s clearly what you needed! Xx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toSolly-44

Not long at all! Thank you for your reply and is good to know opinions from different people and clinics. I agree it's too much of a risk especially when I've got only two left. I'll just go with a transfer in May and see what happens 🤗❤️🥰Hope is all going well for you and you are feeling great!

Seren0119 profile image

Hi beautiful :)

I think it really depends on the context. In your particular case, you have gone through SO much, I would definitely test the embryos, which will at least give you some answers. I would hate for you to go through more heartbreaking miscarriages.

PGS is not a silver bullet. I had a miscarriage with one PGS embryo at 9 weeks and a chemical with another PGS embryo. However, it helped me rule out the problem - the embryo was fine, so I went on an aggressive immune protocol, and my third PGS embryo worked. My doctor knew the embryos were fine and focused on my lining and other issues. If you don't know why your beautiful embryos are not sticking properly, PGS can give you some answers.

Final word - do not do PGS with a clinic that doesn't recommend it. PGS testing is very delicate and some clinics have much higher rates than others when it comes to thawing and getting PGS normal results, so make sure you do it at a clinic that specialises in it. So perhaps, as Solly-44 says put both back in untested ad they are frozen already and IF you need to do another fresh round, make sure they are tested before freezing.

Thinking of you xx

Klndmr profile image
Klndmr in reply toSeren0119

Thank you for your reply Hun. My clinic and my last consultant don't support and believe much in PGT anyway. So I'll just go with a transfer in May and see what happens 🤗Hope you are doing well! 🤗🤗🤗🌻

Skittles11 profile image

Hey lovely. Just to put my two cents in. I have found the qusstion of PGTA to be a very divisive topic and definitely not a one size fits all answer. I had a termination over a year ago from an ivf pregnancy after discovering my baby had Edwards Syndrome, a serious chromosomal condition. Since then I have been testing my fresh embryos despite not getting many because going through that broke me. However I had a frozen embryo from a previous cycle which I also wanted to test. I spoke to embryologists at my clinic and they strongly advised me not to test this one due to risks of freeze thaw test freeze thaw. I guess what I'm saying is I think your history has exposed you to so much loss and I would advocate for the testing of fresh embryos based on that however to echo the embryologists at my clinic it may be best to do this only with fresh embryos and not with your frozen ones. Hope that helps xx

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