From Thursday untill now I can t believe it I'm gutted xxxx this journey is so hard
So from my positive on Thursday right... - Fertility Network UK
So from my positive on Thursday right threw to this morning nothing devastated

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The exact same thing happened to me this week. Took a break of fertility treatment in December and got a faint line then a few days later negative. No period either! Roller-coaster of emotions
It's was so positive the lines and then this morning just nothing it is a rollercoaster bit disappointed I feel like I shouldn't of tested early now because was the month off would break your heart xxxxx
I don't even no when my period is due because was on a break my last period was 12 December I'm usually a 30-32 day cycle xxxxxx
Thank you I just don't understand how can go from positive to neg this morning iv to call the clinic tomorrow and tell them , like I don't even no wot to say xxxxxx
My partner wonders should we get the first response 6 day early one tho but I think it's over for this month xxxxxx
they can still take your bloods to confirm. You saw a line so there’s a reason to double check, even though the line has disappeared now. So sorry you’re going through this xxx
I no thanks so much wer just in disbelief that for 3 full days positive and then negative just is devastating xxxxx
I’m so sorry Dashound1, this happened to me last week after my first frozen embryo transfer. It’s devastating. Hope you’re okay.
I would get it 100% confirmed with bloods if you can, gives you piece of mind so you can move on. Take care, this journey is so tough x
Thank you so much for reply means atlot xxxx
I don't understand is this a chemical? Or wot going on il call clinic tomorrow I think I need a blood test
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Sometimes those tests are not very accurate. I had had false positives on them, and also i had what looked like the "line" getting fainter. I was very stressed out by this. At the end the line was not fainter. My HCG was increasing just fine. Hopefully it is just thebtest and all goes well. Still, even if it is hard, it is always good to go to the clinic in these cases.
Thank you for reply I have been posting quite a bit , I'm not going to do tests any more I'm just going to call clinic and get blood work done and then there is no more quessing it was starting to drive me a wee bit crazy , but I appreciate all the responses and advice , if these tests are wrong I think I'm going to continue our break from fertility for another month or so thank you again xxxxxx
So sorry 💔
These type of tests are very unreliable. Those lines look more like a dye run to me, they seem a bit blurred. Without a FRER day by day I’d say it’s inconclusive, I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a chemical x