Hi everyone, I’m back again with another failed procedure, I don’t know what to do.
my third circle just failed 😣
Any recommendation of how to improve egg quality and Quantity?
Hi everyone, I’m back again with another failed procedure, I don’t know what to do.
my third circle just failed 😣
Any recommendation of how to improve egg quality and Quantity?
Hello, I don't have the answer it's best to speak with your clinic but I wanted to send you hugs. This journey gets harder the longer you're on it but don't give up hope x
I’m so sorry to hear that 😢 sometimes it’s not just the eggs there’s things they can look at around timing and womb conditions so best to set up a consultation with your clinic and see what they suggest 💜 for now tho I hope you have support around you it’s such a crap journey sometimes xxx
I'm sooo sorry yor cycle failed. Take some time out to look after yourself, I hope you have people to lean on for support.If your not already taking coenzyme q10 I would recommend it as there is some limited evidence it can improve egg and sperm quality and if you haven't already tried testosterone gel ask your consultant about as again there is some limited evidence changing the environment eggs grow in can make a difference. Sending hugs x
Big hugs to you. Rest and when you recharge your batteries, give it one more try! Sometimes you need several cycles.
Thank you for your response, but what can I do to get more quality eggs, I really don’t produce more due to endometriosis they found 🥲
ok thank you so much