I had my 5th FET 8 days ago with a 5 day embryo. I had an 250 ovidrel at the time. Last cycle my trigger was completely gone by day 7. The last 3 days my tests haven’t changed at all. I know I shouldn’t test, but I’m a tester! If it was the trigger, would I not expect it to get lighter? Anyone else had something similar?
BFP or trigger? : I had my 5th FET... - Fertility Network UK
BFP or trigger?

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Hello hun, I always started testing at 8DP5DT and my understanding is that by that point it's unlikely to be trigger, I'd say you're pregnant!
But my trigger was only 8 days ago because it was FET. Was that the same for you? I’ve heard it can be 10-14 days before it’s out of your system. It’s just strange it’s not getting lighter!
Hi 👋
I would say pregnant. It looks like the lines are getting darker to me. If it were trigger shot it would become lighter. I think good news but hold out until test day. Wishing you lots of luck xxx
I did a transfert 6 days ago, and took a trigger shot 250 ovitrelle 8 days ago, my doctor asked me to do a test 10 days after the transfert so I could be sure that the trigger is off my system
it’s definitely darker today isn’t it?? Tomorrow is test day. 9 days post trigger. Surely this isn’t still the trigger??? 🤞🏻
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It definitely looks darker to me hun I just had my FET 3 days ago its hard not to think about doing tests
Looking good! Today is darker too and will get even darker as it dries. I used to find that testing every second day helped as your levels double every second day so comparing every day means it's hard to see a difference. Congrats.xx
Thank you all for your help. Just in case it helps anyone else in the future I had my beta level yesterday at 10dp5dt and it was positive at 210. I guess if it had been trigger it would likely have been lighter. Thank you and sending anyone good luck who are in a similar situation x