Hi for those who of you who have jad success with DE or are in the process of using DE did you opt for frozen or fresh DE and if you don't mind what was your reasons for what you choose? As you know I have one final try with my own Embroy but Im started to plan for plan B and getting mentally prepared and would love ro hear your thoughts. Thank you
Frozen or Fresh Donor Egg: Hi for those... - Fertility Network UK
Frozen or Fresh Donor Egg

Hi Applepie, I did my last cycle with my OE in june this year which was negative so thought of shifting to DE for the next steps ever since I am waiting for my fet to happen.Changed clinic and now proceeding for fet with frozen eggs as I checked with my Doctor who said it is difficult to sync donor's cycle with mine as for that she would have to do give her drugs and move forward or extend her cycle which would effect the overall quality of eggs.
Also she mentioned the frozen ones have better chances of implanting so we agreed upon frozen.
If you need any further info feel free
Hi. Our clinic do fresh donor but then frozen transfer. So they freeze sperm prior to collection then do collection and fertilise then freeze any 5 day embryos. We went with this option mainly because it had less of a waiting list compared to other clinics at the time, but also I had read some horror stories of frozen eggs not defrosting too well - tho in reality you can find horror stories about anything if you look hard enough! x

Thanks Daisy1245. I hope you are keeping well x

Hoping you get some replies to your post that prove to be helpful. Also, could maybe check with your clinic the success rates with fresh v frozen donor eggs. Wishing you good luck for the future
we opted for fresh cycle and it worked with DE although I did lots of research and there’s nothing in it really! Good luck with everything xxx
Thanks do you mind me asking what your rational was in choosing fresh if you don't mind my clinic are in paterniship with an overseas egg bank who only do frozen and Im looking at IB Alicante who only do fresh. I just want to make sure I make the right decision that gives me the best possible outcome because I have been on this journey for so long Im mentally exhausted. Thank you for your time.
we used IB Alicante and they were fab! For us it was recommended but having done lots of research there wasn’t much in the results at all so I think it’s really personal preference and what is being recommended at that time. We were also with a UK clinic that were in partnership with IB. With the fresh transfer that was also all I had ever known with all rounds with my own eggs so I guess maybe also just a creature of habit!!
We went frozen and all 14 thawed. Currently 31 weeks xxx
We went for fresh but only because the waiting time was the same as frozen at our clinic. It was a bfn but good fertilisation rates so still a good result with 2 embies in the freezer. If my FETS don’t work I’ll definitively be opting for frozen DE mainly because it’s cheaper and statistically at my clinic it’s not than different for either.
Good Luck

Thanks Stargazer40 all the best in your journey
I had frozen as wanted to be pregnant asap after trying for a few years with my own. Frozen because the largest egg bank in the Uk they are all frozen. So many to choose from and it was so quick and simple. I think I had a positive within 3 months of calling them. They worked in tandem with a specific IVF clinic but all worked seemlessly. I purchased a cohort of 10 eggs I think of which 5 made it to Blast. Currently 38 weeks pregnant with two Frosties in the freezer. Couldn’t have asked for a better. Quicker . Easier process.
hi there, I think it’s good to start preparing yourself. My clinic only did fresh transfers. They say the chances are slightly better with fresh but in think it’s very much down to luck. On our third attempt we transferred two DE embryos and now we have our beautiful girls. ❤️ Xx

Thanks hope you and liitle princesses are keeping well x
I used frozen as I felt with my age (45) and after several years of losses I wanted the quickest, most straightforward process to move forward. Looking at my clinic’s stats there also wasn’t much difference in their success rates between fresh or frozen. I bought a large frozen set of eggs and got lucky with my first (although it turned out to be my only) blastocyst and am currently 14 weeks.
Wishing you the best of luck xx
Hi Hopeful-dream thanks so much Im 44 and feel the same way I just want the quickest way feel like ive been on this journey forever and life is just on hold. Congratulations and hope everything goes smoothly for you x
I'm currently on my DE journey and my first transfer was with a fresh embryo which unfortunately failed. After a lot of research and talking to others who has success with DE, the consensus I've found is that frozen embryo has a better success rate.
Hi, I have donor egg twins. We did a fresh transfer and were successful. If that didn't work, we have a frozen embryo. The success rate for fresh transfers and frozen embryos is about the same. However, the success rate for frozen eggs is lower. I read somewhere it's because an egg is a single cell so if it gets slightly damaged during the thaw, it won't work. Because frozen embryos have several cells, they can still survive if one gets damaged during thaw.