I caved and tested 8dp and 9dp5dt (today) as I've been feeling so dizzy and just not right and I was right. I have 2 lines, yay after 5 years. Now I am of course starting to worry about line progression (why did I do this?!) I know, I should have waited another 2 days but my mind was racing and as someone who suffers with anxiety I needed to take control a little. Do these look okay, I'm worried about line progression now. My clinic don't do beta tests for bloods I have to pay extra which I don't mind doing but that's not until Monday.
I caved...and tested...Help! 9dp5dt - Fertility Network UK
I caved...and tested...Help! 9dp5dt

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You have not a strong line but a VERY strong line for day 9, it is amlost a dye stiller. Congratulations 🥳 and stop worrying. Have such a nice line I would probably say that is like expecting twins! Take care mummy 😁
This looks great! Why are you worried? Drink lots of water and take it easy. My otd was 9dpt! Huge congratulations ❤️✨️🌈
woo hoo that’s fantastic news good strong lines. How have you been feeling did u have a heap of symptoms? Xxx
Thank you, I'm still a bit worried as I don't see much progress on the tests but maybe that's coz they are quite string lines now. I've been really dizzy with vertigo like symptoms, had cramping for a few days but that's gone now and sore boobs off and on. I've also been quite tired. How are you doing lovely? Xxx
Beautiful lines! And you wont normally see progression between 8dpt pm and 9dpt am. Always remember it takes up to 48-72 hours for hcg to double. Soooo take a deep breath, sit back and relax! Congratulations 👏💐💐🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much this comment has really settled my nerves. I keep rereading what you wrote as I am working myself into a tizz that this isn't real haha. Xxx
That's good! Im glad I could help! I used to be the same, I would sometimes test 4-5 times a day and drive myself crazy. That's one reason with my FET in may I did not test at all but waited for the blood test results on OTD. Im now 5 day past FET and im planning on waiting until OTD again so let's see 😸😸😸
When is OTD for you? Will they do bloods too? Xxx
Oh amazing, wishing you all the luck and baby dust in the world for your transfer. My otd is Sunday. The clinic I am with dont do bloods as a standard thing but they do offer is as an extra which I think we are going to do. Anything to help put my mind at ease now.
I hope you have lots of fun things to pass the time. My nurses told me that laughter was absolutely key so I've made sure to make time for fun during my tww. Xxx
Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️ Beautiful lines! I know it’s really hard but try not to test all the time and enjoy this amazing moment ❤️
Amazing! Massive congratulations!! Those lines look great to me! Did you have a single of double transfer? xx
Thank you lovely. I had a single 5Aa hatching blastocyst put back in but my family are genetically predisposed to twins so who knows. How are you? Xxx
that is super exciting. I’m ok. Trying to not test! I also have felt a bit dizzy the last few days but no sore boobs. Worried as with my chemical I did have sore boobs and spotting but neither this time which is like my negative! Just got to hold out for 1.5 days! Xx
Massive congrats! Just to let you know FRERs aren't great after this sort of strength of line, they can cause all sorts of worry because they aren't really designed to be used for 'progression' comparisons (even though we all do it) and in my experience cause more upset and stress than provide reassurance. That is a mega strong line for 8/9 days so CONGRATS I would try and set away from the tests and wait for your bloods xx

Thank you so much, I think I have imposter syndrome where I have been trying so long to get pregnant that I almost just don't believe it!! I'm going to pay for bloods on Monday so fingers crossed its all good. I'll try and just relax and enjoy these next few days. Xxx
These are lovely looking tests....AND remember they dry darker so the day before will have darkened so much compared to todays. Its so hard, dont beat yourself up....we all doing, i was a line comparing lunatic and thats ok!! If you are going to do anymore try to wait 48 hrs so you can truly see progression.xxx
I am absolutely a line comparing lunatic, I swear I have to do 2 tests à day just to remind myself that this is real. It's so mad that after 5 years it's finally happened. I need to put the tests down, trust my body to do what it needs to make sure this little embaby is healthy and relax. I know I'm still going to be comparing lines for days though. My clinic don't usually do bloods but they offer them as an extra which I'm tempted by for Monday? Xxx
Ha ha ha my husband used to go mad at all my test comparing.🤣🙈 I eventually only allowed myself every 48hrs but thats hard. If you can get bloods then great, that is the best....although you need to have 2 48hrs apart to get meaningful results. I know I was a maniac tester but if you can, step away....it can cause more anxiety than good.xxx
Well I've managed to only test once more today at 3pm so since then even though I've wanted to, I haven't. My wonderful fiance took me out for dinner and then we lit a fire and watched a film to relax. I'm starting to believe it's real now and that it's working. I just need enjoy the moment. My main issue now is that close family know we had our embryo transfer. They will want to know the results. I'm in two minds about what to do about telling them. They will surely guess if we say nothing to them. They are my parents so I don't think it's a problem or the official announcement. Hope your Friday is going well. Xxxx
Awww that sounds like a perfect distraction!!🥰 Just dont say anything until you're ready....Im sure they would be there for you either way. I did tell my folks early on, couldnt help it as like you you guys they knew about transfer....i played it down a lot so they did too...Im sure you can guide them not to get your hopes up. All the best.xxx
how are you feeling today xxx
Hey lovely,
I'm feeling good thank you, a few twinges here and there and woke up at 6am starving so scoffed a banana and crept back to bed. I did another test this morning and the test line is darker than the control line so I think that's good news.
How are you today? Xxx
I have everything crossed for you. Do you go for bloods or is it just at home test? Xxx
That's the strongest 9dp line I think I've seen!! Congratulations. Time to try and enjoy. (But easier said than done - I am only just stepping away from tests completely now at 5wks 4 days 🤭😊) congratulations again wonderful news. Take care of yourself ✨🎉 x