Hey ladies, I know there’s always so many posts like this but here I am aswell asking about lowish hcg numbers :/ I wish for once I could just get a nice strong HCG number and not have to stress about it. Level came back at 59 today, clinic said they like to see over 100 at this point. Any success stories or should I prepare myself for the worst? Transfer number 14 😏 Correlates to 15 days past ovulation… thanks in advance x
Hcg levels at 10dp5dt: Hey ladies, I... - Fertility Network UK
Hcg levels at 10dp5dt

Hi Kimbob. Yes, it is a bit low, but give it a chance to catch up. Hopefully a few days will make such a difference. Good luck! Diane
my numbers were very low (in my profile) and my son is now six months. It can happen, please be kind to yourself - beta hell is the worst. I’ll cross my fingers for you x
Hi, at 10dp5dt I got 83 and was passed myself! My doctors wouldn’t do another blood test as they were happy with the number due to it being over 50..
I had a scan 4 days ago everything measuring fine and seen heartbeat. So I wouldn’t worry to much! X
Mine was 86 at 11dp5dt and he’s now 3months old! Are your clinic going to do a repeat blood test? I know it’s worrying but it doesn’t mean it’s not a sticky bean and hopefully will double as it should xx
Oh wow, thank you that is amazing 💗 Yes they are doing repeat bloods in 3 days. The nurse on the phone sounded really negative about it, it didn’t instil much hope in me… 😔 I only started seeing a VERY faint line on 6 days past transfer and they’ve gotten substantially darker each day so that’s why I feel slightly hopeful? 🤞🏼
I know it’s hard but try not to test too much. I literally had one of those clearblue weeks indicator ones go backwards on me (from 2-3 to 1-2) and yet there was a healthy little boy in there. My doctor said it was a lower hcg than she would have liked but it really didn’t mean anything until they got the repeat test. Mine was 320 3 days later xx