I got a bfp today but only 4dp5dt - this is my 4th cycle and 5th transfer. We only have one embryo - grade C. Really excited but also nervous in case it is the trigger shot. Felt nauseous this morning and so tired the last two days which is why I decided to test with a clear blue early responses digital. Almost scared to dream - we’ve been ttc for 5 years and this is my first positive with ivf after 1 miscarriage and 2 ectopic pregnancies.
Is my bfp real? : I got a bfp today but... - Fertility Network UK
Is my bfp real?

I’m really sorry but I think you’ve tested too early, it takes about 14 days for trigger shot HCG to leave your system and it sounds like yours will have been about 11 days ago? The symptoms are likely to be from the progesterone.
BUT it doesn’t mean you won’t get your bfp! Give it another 4-5 days and test again. The tww is the worst, got everything crossed for you x
Thank you - will test again in a few days. I'm not on progesterone - not sure why but our clinic doesn't use it. I did have pessaries when I did IUI with the NHS. Sort of glad though as the NHS never explained on our first IUI cycle that they delayed your period so I got a bit excited about the "late" period only to be disappointed! x
I tested at 4dp5dt and got faint positive on frer. The following day at 5dp5dt I got positive on digital. I'm presently 29 weeks pregnant X
It could go either way. I’ve still had the trigger in my system at 6dp5det so I would probably test again in a few days time. Good luck x
I had my bfp at this time following a 5 dt and likewise was anxious it was the trigger shot so I tortured myself by doing daily tests to see line progression (when it got darker it reassured me it was less likely to be the trigger). Told myself I wouldn’t test so early next time because of this but now knowing I got my bfp this early I will probably find it too difficult to resist when we try for a sibling 🙈. Currently laid next to my 7 month old baby girl so really hope this is your time 🥰❤️ X
Thanks all - had a positive yesterday too but have used different tests this morning - clear blue ultra early not digital and the normal digital clear blue - both negative 😞. I did wake up about 5 and pee then though, and only tested when woke up again at 8 so I guess not first morning pee. Still feeling extremely tired and some cramps now and then. Guess I should wait until the clinic tests on Thursday but I suspect I’ll end up poas again before then!
I tested positive on 4dp5dt and it only got darker from there! It wasn’t a sticky bean unfortunately as by day 11 the line had started to fade but I believe it was a true positive, best wishes 💕💕 xxx
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Thanks Emily. Sorry to hear that and wishing you all the luck for your next attempt. I think mines must have been the trigger shot after all - got negative tests on Sunday and still not gone positive again and I'll 8 days post transfer now - beta on Thursday. We've no Frosties but have paid for another cycle up front so will see what happens with that and then might be time to consider donor eggs. I guess this is why they tell us not to test early but it's so difficult to resist but have driven myself mad the last two days with tests and Google!
Oh bless you still all fingers crossed for your beta 🤞🤞🤞 thank you we’ll be going for our next attempt in august I think, still haven’t come on my period post chemical so who knows! Hopefully you won’t need them but it’s good you’ve got a back up plan for sure! Oh gosh never blame yourself for testing early I’m sure there’s far more people that do than don’t!
My period came today so it was a false negative in case anyone reads this and wants to know the outcome. Devastated! 😭
Really sorry to hear this. I had a similar experience with my fresh transfer and I unfortunately learned that any symptoms or tests are skewed due to the trigger shot. The trigger shot gives you pregnancy symptoms - increased hunger, frequent urination and a false positive. All the best for your next steps xx