I got a faint positive yesterday (please tell me you see it too! - maybe not the best picture), and a negative and two more faint positives today. I know, I know, I'll retest tomorrow, but was fulling expecting a much clearer line today, so a bit gutted. Thoughts? Have others had a faint positive turning to a BFP?
Faint positive yesterday and (updated... - Fertility Network UK
Faint positive yesterday and (updated) still faint positive today!

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Hi hun, is it 11pt today? That looks like a ghost to me but I’ve never used those tests, I’ve always used First response. Hopefully it’s just too early! I keep my fingers crossed for you! 🤞🏻🙏🏻
It is 11dp today. Also, just done the one from the clinic and another faint line (similar to this one, but I'm struggling to get a picture of it). Also hoping it's just too early.
Does your clinic test for hcg? Probably the best thing to do otherwise like you said test again in a couple of days. If there is a line on both tests then that’s a good sign!
Done another test. Also faint. Can't get a good picture of it, though. A positive sign for sure. My clinic does not do bloods, unfortunately. They say if you get a positive pregnancy test to test again in 10 (!!!) days.
Hi ttcemmie what is the result supposed to look like on this test if it’s positive?
A cross
I can’t see it but my eyes are not the best ! I would get a reputable brand like clear blue
I can definitely see what looks like a faint line. Are you able to get a first response test as hopefully that should be clearer?! Got everything crossed for you 😬 xx
Hi Kibo. Going to test again tomorrow. Thanks. x
Good luck lovely, hope its stronger!xx
Same. It doesn't help that all my tests (apart from the clinic one) are really old and they're all different to each other! What's wrong with me?! Lol. Have got some new First Response ones to start going forward.