Hello- having a little panic! Could I be coming on my period 5 days past transfer? I’m starting light brownish bleeding x
Bleeding 5 days past transfer - Fertility Network UK
Bleeding 5 days past transfer

Hi! If it's not a lot it can be from the transfer (the cervix is very sensitive), it could be implantation bleeding or if you're taking progesteron maybe you need a little more. Try and call your clinic and talk with them. Keeping fingers crossed and praying for you!

Thank you lovely! I think it could be the former two as it’s completely stopped now and wasn’t much. Just terrifying seeing it when I haven’t had it before. Progesterone was good at 113 so hopefully that’s not it. Hope you’re doing ok ♥️Xx
Ohh it's a good thing it stopped! I'll be thinking at you and hopefully you get a BFP! I'm getting ready to go and do a beta. Let's hope it will be ok!
I’m day 6 after FET and have brown bleeding and a lot of cramping also feeling very worried
You should definitely call your clinic and go do to some blood tests. Maybe your progesteron is low and it needs to be a little higher.
Yeah mine has now been on and off too. Definitely anxiety producing! I have been getting positive home tests, fingers crossed that it’ll stick around! Have you had heavy bleeding or spotting? Hang in there! Hopefully it stops for good
Wow!! So exciting! Congrats! I’m now day 9 after a day 5 transfer. What about you?
My beta isn’t until day 15. I’ve had 2 biochemical losses before so definitely feeling worried but trying to stay hopeful!!
Yay! Very exciting! Congrats!!