I have had some good news today that my hcg levels have risen but they have more then doubled.. It was 344 at 10dp5dt and 1, 048 at 12dp5dt.. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what your hcg results where 2 days apart? Xx
I have had some good news today that my hcg levels have risen but they have more then doubled.. It was 344 at 10dp5dt and 1, 048 at 12dp5dt.. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what your hcg results where 2 days apart? Xx
I just wanted to say congratulations, that's fantastic news! I'm sorry I honestly can't remember what my hcg levels were, but I do remember when I researched it at the time finding that levels vary a great deal from woman to woman, and even pregnancy to pregnancy. The main thing is your levels have at least doubled (and are high) which is just brilliant.
I found this which gives a rough idea of ranges
Thank you so much for your reply, and thank you in doing my research on Google, I just pray it keeps doubling and I don't bleed again 🤞🏽 xxx
It's so scary in these early days/weeks isn't it. I used to try and keep reminding myself that having reached this point statistically you're far more likely to end up with a healthy baby than not, but I know that's a lot easier said than done especially if you've had previous losses. Masses of luck hun.
It really is easier said then done lol I've unfortunately had 1 miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy so I'm still nervous about it all I've managed to book a scan in for the 3rd to see if it's implanted in the right place just to east my mind xx.. Have you had a baby through ivf then? Xx
oh hun I'm so sorry, what you've been through must have been incredibly painful. It's a million percent understandable that would leave you feeling nervous this time. So pleased you've got a scan booked in, I went a bit crazy on the scans (7, 8, 9 and 11 weeks!) but you know what they made me feel loads better so totally worth it. Currently pregnant through ivf with my first baby, 12 weeks tomorrow.
Ohh wow congratulations!!! I bet you feel loads better at the 12 week mark aswell.. I think I will do the same if everything goes well.. I'd be obsessing over it, so when yours next scan? Is the next one where you find out the baby's gender? Xx
Congratulations! Mine were 160 at 8dpt and 394 at 10dpt. They seemed go up 2.5-3x every couple of days from then too. I think those numbers were quite high and I was even worried they could be too high or going up too quick (genetic issues, twins, giant baby - you name it (Google) and I worried about it) apparently not and so far it's an average sized healthy singleton. From what I read the numbers are massively variable and you just want an average doubling roughly every 2-3 days. In hindsight, I'd see the numbers you've had a great sign.
Thank you for your reply! Yes I don't know why Google says all these things especially when it's not true it panics people! I've not heard about the genetic issue tho!! Xxx
Congratulations!! 🌈
Those are healthy numbers. Mine started very high (700+ at 10dp5dt) and rose quickly too. I’m expecting twins ☺️ But in general, as the ladies have said, so long as the numbers are doubling or more every 48 hours then that’s a good thing! The actual number varies person to person as well, some will have really high HCG and be having one baby and others may have lower HCG and end up with multiples!
Best of luck to you ♥️ Xx
Thank you for your reply ❤️ omg congratulations to you too!! Twins!! Did you transfer 2 or did the one split?
Yes I probably shouldn't research about hcg levels but it's hard not to study every detailed thing lol xx
Great news, mine were lower and more than doubled on the third test compared to the second. I was offered a fourth test and I said no as I couldn’t keep living in beta hell and waiting for a phone call every time. If that’s what you need then go for it but I’d say try not to worry about the exact numbers and be encouraged by the positive rise and look forward to that first scan. I know it’s hard xx
Mine were as high as your I think I started at 400 for my first hcg and the numbers increased quite fast. I can’t remember by how much though when I went for my second hcg which was after two days. All I remember is I was worried. It all ended well though and had twins.
The clinic advised that I transfer three on account of my advanced age. I think they doubted the egg quality. I was fortunate that two took.
Great news they have gone up and it's fine they have more than doubled. Now just try to relax until the scan! xx
Congratulation dear.My HCG was 632 14dp 3 day transfer and it was twins.It was a day 3 embryo.
Congratulations!! That’s awesome!! I’d say that yours is pretty big jump!! The numbers should be roughly doubling. It’s definitely a good sign 🥰 I had hcgs done at 5w + 2 showing 9756… two days later I was 31296. I’m currently 8w with twins!
Thank you ❤️.. Did you have to transfered?.. And how far along was you when you found out you was having twins? Xx
I had 2 transferred. I was 6w +4. I had had two bleeds and my clinic brought my viability scan forward a week. I’ve got a private one booked for next week. Just to check. I’ve spotted everyday so far.
How many did you transfer? Xx
Aww so how far along are you? Yano I'm the same I have been spotting too how scary is it xx
I’m 8weeks tomorrow. Yeah the spotting is scary. But mine was after a bleed. As long as it’s brown, it’s nothing to worry about. Are you on progesterone? I found the vaginal pessaries irritated my cervix which they think caused my bleed. So I swapped to ones you can put in the back and it’s just tiny brown spotting now. Xx
Yes I'm on progesterone but I'm not to sure it was that. The day I started spotting was when I was rushing about cleaning the house and hoovering and the hoover has crazy suction so it was heavy so I put it down to that xx
With twins you bleed alot.I bled alot and one of the first bleeding is when I found out I had twins
9dp3dt hcg was 100
11dp3dt hcg was 275
My numbers were high we suspected twins (I transfered 3 third day embryos) but it's only one
And congrats!!!!
Did your clinic suspect twins aswell?.. I read something that said your hcg levels could be higher after a loss.. I had a ectopic in April so I'm wondering if that's why maybe xx
I am soooo sorry for your loss😢
My clinic did suspect twins as well and was surprised to see only one baby
I didn't read anywhere that high numbers like yours means a loss and hope it's a strong twin pregnancy
Aww it's ok, ohh i only implemented 1 embryo so I doubt there wil be two in there xx..yea I didn't know that either but then again it's Google we are talking about..if I had a bruse on my arm it would say I was dying xx
Maybe your levels doubled the day you had your bloods done but just after your bloods had been taken? I wouldn't worry about your levels they look fine im sure the clinic would say if they were concerned mine were 32600 at 5 +2 we are 17 weeks pregnant with twins that was the only time we had my bloods done only the one sample was taken as I was spotting and we didn't know it was twins at that point. I'm not sure what mine were in the early days xx
Yes possibly, I'm not to sure how it all works tbh I just got told they double every 48 hours lol.. God that really high.. When did you have your first scan? Xx
Yeah was a shock to find out it was so high bur I had been having horrendous morning sickness so it explained it with such high levels. I had my first scan at 7+2 xx
When did you morning sickness start.. I have no symptoms what so ever apart from my boobs are fuller xx
My first was hsg at 9 days post 5 day transfer was 450 something and doubled over 960. I was carrying twins but unfortunately miscaried at 7 weeks.😭 best of luck to you my dear. It is a good sign.
Congratulations! My HCG was around 300 at 8dpt and 1000 at 10dpt. Everyone's HCG levels vary but I was having twins.
giiiiiirl!! how are you doing? ❤️❤️🍀