Hi all,
I realised I never posted an update as we got towards the end of our surrogate pregnancy… well our perfect girl arrived 20th July and we have named her Sloane - it’s Irish and means warrior which I felt was special and very fitting after everything her ivf warrior mama went through in trying to get her.
So she’s just over 6 weeks now, and I can’t believe how tired I am but she’s just the best thing ever after our 6 year struggle. She was the second surrogate transfer with the second embryo from my sisters eggs, and she was a 3BB. 3BBs seem to be rather special!
So 5 own egg retrieval’s and a donor egg round, 4 early miscarriages, a heartbreaking ectopic, and the final combination that worked was my sisters eggs and an amazing surrogate.
Anyway, I’m not actually leaving the TTC community, because, and I must be mad, but given that not long ago I had another natural pregnancy that was in my tube and the first time we saw a heartbeat, I’ve decided to do ONE LAST retrieval of my own eggs, now that I’m away from all my work stresses (work has been so rough over recent years) and to see if we can get a half decent embryo or two.
Photo of our little girl, lots of love to everyone whatever the stage you’re at, these are tough times and you’re all amazing for battling. Xx