To PGT-A or not on frozen embryos - Fertility Network UK

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To PGT-A or not on frozen embryos

Skp77 profile image
22 Replies

I have 9 frozen embryos my clinic has said I could have PGT -A done however it would mean defrosting the embryos twice and this could cause us to lose embryos throughout each stage of the process. Any advice. Have you done this and what was your outcome? Have you had this option and what did you decide?

I am super confused what to do any advice would be helpful.

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Skp77 profile image
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22 Replies
Ivfgotadream profile image

Personally I wouldn’t the risk a thaw - biopsy - freeze and rethaw

Was there a reason why you didn’t PGS them initially?

I’m sceptical of PGS testing to be honest - I tested age 36 and didn’t get any normals - decided not to test again and had twins on my next transfer

I’m a member of a Facebook group for PGS mosaics and abnormals and lots of women on there in countries where you can legally transfer them have gone on to have healthy babies

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to Ivfgotadream

I wasn't aware of it at when I first done my ivf icic egg collection and it was a freeze all. I don't think they would have offered it on fresh as there was no reason to do it. They offered it now as I had 2 mc and 1 bfn. But am skepital of it due to the process. Thanks for this. I am on the side of not doing it. I am also going to to mc blood tests to see clotting is the issue.

Future1000 profile image
Future1000 in reply to Skp77

My doctor advises against PGS testing. As Ivfgotadream mentioned, some embryos will come back abnormal after testing whereas if they got transferred they can implant and become healthy babies.

leo1980 profile image

Hello there.

I had 2 embryos from a cycle -5 years ago - thawed for PGT and the frozen again. The results were inconclusive- whilst there were normal ones in my fresher batch.

I suspect true chances of the inconclusive frozen- thawed-then tested-and frozen again will not survive the thaw. See below

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Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to leo1980

Thanks Leo, do you have the link to this as it cuts off towards the end. I am scared of inconclusive as they wouldn't then refreeze them . By the looks of this I think best not to go ahead with it

Ac22 profile image

I had 2 failed transfers before testing 5 other embryos. We lost 2 of them from the thaw (one was a but dodgy anyway). They all came back normal but I am relatively young so I was expecting a good outcome. I wanted to do it because I wanted to rule anything major out before transferring another embryo.

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to Ac22

How old are you if you don't mind me asking? Or age range?Have you since transfered an embryo?

Ac22 profile image
Ac22 in reply to Skp77

I'm 26, I have transferred and it has been a success! Currently, 8 weeks.

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to Ac22

Congrats 🙂

MofM profile image

I have been with two different IVF clinics, both of them wanted me to PGT-A my embryos, I did not (I am very very sceptical of PGT-A), and both of them insisted that I could not come back to my decision once the embryos were frozen because there is a high risk of damage and they would not do that.

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to MofM

Thanks MofM I am surprised mine suggested it knowing of the risks of doing it.

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Skp77

Perhaps different clinics have different experiences?

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to MofM

Yea maybe. I might as a few questions around their success rates.

LSandJ profile image

I had mine thawed and tested.. Didn't lose any, all survived the process. 5/6 came back normal. The other was low level mosaic (aged 34 at egg collection).

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to LSandJ

Thanks for the reply, have you since had a transfer from the tested normal embryos?

LSandJ profile image
LSandJ in reply to Skp77

Yes! I've had 3 put back in 2 transfers! Still not managed to get pregnant! Am guessing there is an implantation issue with me rather than the embryos (I've never been pregnant more than a couple of days with some chemicals). Next step is the Era, Emma, Alice and a hysteroscopy :-(

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to LSandJ

I am the same chemicals mc twice now. I may need to look into ERA etc All the best with your journey x

D38813 profile image

I did it and I’m so glad I did. Half of my embryos had abnormalities and I’m glad I saved myself some heartache. All the others made it through the refreeze and I’m now 16 weeks pregnant after having my final transfer.

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to D38813

Hi I'm glad it worked for you. Did you change your medication or do the same meds??

D38813 profile image
D38813 in reply to Skp77

I also did an era, Emma and Alice and got a bfp straight away with twins.

Skp77 profile image
Skp77 in reply to D38813

That's amazing congratz. How much did these test cost you if you don't mind me asking?

D38813 profile image
D38813 in reply to Skp77

The pgt testing was £1300 abroad and the Era, Emma and Alice was here for £1500. We went one last time and threw everything at it.

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