Tested negative after 11 days - Fertility Network UK

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Tested negative after 11 days

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image

Hey, I couldn’t wait and tested this afternoon. 11 days post my transfer.

The nurse said to retest after 14 days abs cross my fingers but I’m not feeling hopeful. I feel like actual crap.

Has anyone had a miracle and ended up getting a positive after a negative?

I’ve got two more frozen blastocysts which have been tested for abnormalities, I am in a good position but this is f ing hard.

Help/ advice/ comfort welcome!

Thank you 😊

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Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
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21 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Aw sorry to hear that lovely. I can't say I've ever had that luck I'm afraid. But like you say, you are in a good position so hold on to that. You will be ok whatever happens. Wishing you lots of luck xx

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to Millbanks

Thank you. Everyone is so kind! 💗💗💗

Jonesy84 profile image

Sorry to hear this lovely!

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to Jonesy84

It’s a bummer but keen to try again, if this is definitely a negative. And soon x

Jonesy84 profile image
Jonesy84 in reply to Joanna-Arabella1984

Yes I was the same after my first round didn’t work. I had one frozen and tbh it was a slow starter but it was like a late developer and really come along. They froze on day 6 and that was my successful one. I still have everything crossed for this one though! Xx

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to Jonesy84

Yeah it’s so hard but trying not to lose hope. Just got to get lucky once 💗

vicky7752 profile image

Joanna, I would recommend to you do the blood test. the urine tests are sometimes not valuable...

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to vicky7752

Yes, they said to retest on Monday, which was when I’m supposed to do it. Will be more certain then.Thank you 🙏🏻

XOXO13 profile image

I’ve not had that luck either, but fingers crossed for you! And if it doesn’t work out this time, wishing you all the best for your frozen embabies 🤞🏻 Xxx

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to XOXO13

Sure 1 out of 3 will work . Guess it’s second time lucky for many people 🤔🙏🏻. Xxx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Joanna-Arabella1984

Here’s hoping ♥️

AracLl profile image

This happened on my last transfer. I tested early as the previous two had come back positive early on but unfortunately it was negative and remained negative. I was so shocked not to see a line as I had what I thought was an implantation bleed. Continue with your medication until day fourteen but unfortunately it doesn't look good but everyone is different and how their body responds differs.

I'm so sorry. I know exactly how it feels. Thinking of you x

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to AracLl

I’m just hoping that it’ll work next time. I kind of know it would have shown up by now if it were positive . I’ve processed it a bit more. The wait was driving me crazy!I hope I can get going straight away! Glad your first two worked! Xxx

AracLl profile image
AracLl in reply to Joanna-Arabella1984

They do say the first round is a bit of an experiment to see how your body responds. Hopefully you'll have more luck on your second.After the initial positive tests, ours couldn't continue unfortunately and that's another important thing I've learned during this wh ole process. A pregnancy test positive is one step forward but only one of many.

You'll get there xx

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to AracLl

Yeah I was really low on progesterone initially so I guess they might boost that.It’s so hard, I’ve had two miscarriages including an eptopic. I hope you’ve had a successful pregnancy since! Lots of love x

Muppetgirl profile image

I might be in the minority. I tested negative on day 10. Had bloods done next day. They were 126! I now have a beautiful one year old boy. Get bloods as is good to know if chemical pregnancy or nothing at all or even a pregnancy. I hope you get a healthy baby somewhere in your future

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to Muppetgirl

That’s amazing!!! I have a feeling the same won’t happen for me. I just don’t feel it and I’m on day 12 now, but it’s so lovely to hear a beautiful and happy ending! 💗💗💗

Mohai profile image

I am sending you all my energy, I am also on day 13 and a negative pregnancy test but I will put myself together to carry on with the battle. All the best and let's wait for the blood test!! 💪

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to Mohai

It really is a bloody battle. I’m regathering the troops for round two! Ding bloomin ding! Sending you lots of luck as well as hugs x

Joanna-Arabella1984 I’m so sorry. I literally just went through the same thing two weeks ago and I can so relate to the crappy feelings! Unfortunately it wasn’t good news for me in the end, but I really hope you get better news than I did! It absolutely does happen, so just try to stay cautiously optimistic.

If it is negative, just remember that you’ve already been through so much and you will get through this too. This journey is f-ing hard but you aren’t alone and you will heal and be ready to try again with your other beautiful embryos in no time. And the odds are in your favor with 2 more! ❤️

Joanna-Arabella1984 profile image
Joanna-Arabella1984 in reply to exhaustedbythesea

That’s so sweet, feel like crying. I feel better today. Like I’m expecting a negative but I’ve processed it. If it’s positive I’ll be happily bold over. How are you now? Are you putting another in soon or do you have to wait?

Sending lots of love x

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