Hi All,
Just wondering if any of you have a balanced translocation and have been able to get pregnant? If so, how many times did it take?
Hi All,
Just wondering if any of you have a balanced translocation and have been able to get pregnant? If so, how many times did it take?
A women I follow on Instagram, her husband has a translocation and she is now pregnant. She has a big following & lots of knowledge - FabFertility.
Hi! I have, in the 1 and 17 chromosomes. Not pregnant yet, but trusting I would. This affects only certain eggs and not the implantiom, so once you have embryos it a should work also, my sister have this, and was able to get pregnant naturally with two beautiful girls 💜
Wow I have 1 and 16. I have had 2 failed FETs even though both embryos were deemed normal by the lab. We have 2 more normal embryos left and I am so nervous. I was losing hope and praying that I come across some success! Thanks for sharing your story with me and I wish you the best of luck! Stay in touch it will be interesting to follow each other’s journeys!! Baby dust!!! Xx
Thank you for your wishes. That’s great news. I had both transferible embryos with and with out my same translocation. I haven’t had luck yet with my FETs, but I’ve been in touch with a friend (which I actually met her because of my story after a failed FET and wanted to talk with someone with this), and has two girls with ivf. She read a lot about this, she gave me a lot of confidence and I’m really sure that we will have our babies soon✨💜.