7dp5dt, fresh, tww torture: 7dp5dt... - Fertility Network UK

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7dp5dt, fresh, tww torture

Floodiger profile image
21 Replies

7dp5dt.... Tww is torture ....

I did a test BFN but I know it's too early to tell yet. Was a fresh transfer.

I had loads of cramping, then a couple days of tugging in my left side... Most symtoms gone now except bloating and a few cramps here and there through out the day, nipples still a little tender but not as bad as they were...

Betas are booked for Fri 12th... Seems so far away. Anyone else enduring?

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Floodiger profile image
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21 Replies
kiwibaby profile image

Yep I’m the same as you. Transfer was on the 3rd. Beta on the 13th. I’ve had cramping and bloating and super sore breasts. I’m so grumpy and emotional but I think that’s just the wait! I’m sure that tugging is positive. Fingers, toes and everything crossed for us both!

JPxx profile image

Hey, I am the same timings as well! Every day feels like a year! Transfer was 3rd - due to test 12th. I have slight sore boobs but I think that is the progesterone pessaries. I have no other symptoms. Finger crossed for us!

F_J_762301 profile image

Hi, similar timings here too, transfer on the 3rd, so 6dp5dt today, otd is 13th. Had cramps too, on and off the past few days, seem to have subsided a little today. No idea if this is a good or a bad sign 😩 promised myself I wouldny symptom spot but its so hard when you are hyper aware of every twinge! Apart from that...been a bit irritable, this could also just be caused by the meds. Hope this week goes quick for us all! Xx

Chalkers81 profile image

Hi all, I am the same as all of you. I am on my second cycle which started really positively, although I had a low number of eggs collected, 5 mature - 4 of them fertilised. All 4 made to day 3 and were progressing well (8.9.11. 12 cell) so the clinic decided to wait for day 5 transfer. I went into the transfer on 3rd like you all, and had the sad news that 2 had arrested and 1 was at early blastocyst and the other was still at morula stage. I was devastated from being so positive to being hit with this news, so it was tough to be positive when the transfer was taking place. I asked my embryologist about the chances of success and she said very low :( - I guess I was glad of the honesty but it broke my heart. I have been trying to be very positive as there is still a chance but on the other hand I have been planning finances for the next round, does anyone else do this? I guess it a protection mechanism as I haven't had any symptoms at all (which I think is a saving grace, last cycle I did and every minute I was googling every twinge etc..). I really really hope it is good news for everyone, roll on 12th so we all know one way or the other.


AnyaH profile image

I'm in the same boat. Transfer was 1st Feb, and will do bloods on the 11th when I will be 11DP3DT. I have had low level period pains and lower back pain pretty much since the transfer so I am putting this all down to the progesterone and maybe neupogen. I too am already planning my next cycle as a defence mechanism. SO glad to be back at work this week to keep my mind busy. Good luck!

Floodiger profile image

It's so hard guys, still have discomfort on my left side of my groin... Was so annoying last night it distracted me from sleeping for ages .. have had waves of nausea randomly yest and again this morning. Slight lower back pain and headachy and just so so so tired this morning.

Did a sneaky test this morning 8dp5dt and still a BFN... So officially the progest is starting to take its toll on me!

Hopefully this week goes fast for us all, I'm currently WFH and I have just had to leave the laptop and have a lie down I'm feeling so crap....

I know 8 days is still a little early but it's not mad early... To be feeling so crap...

What a rollercoaster

kiwibaby profile image
kiwibaby in reply to Floodiger

Yep I feel similar. Really bad lower back pain. Sore lower abdomen on alternate sides. And so very tired and almost headachy.

Beatrix_K profile image

Hey girls, like most of you all I transferred earlier this month (3rd). I had cramps, a swollen belly and generally felt heavy on Day 0, 1 & 2. Currently on 5dp5dt without any symptoms aside from tender boobs but as I started writing I felt a pain develop in my lower back but not sure if it's just me looking for symptoms...

Had tiny spotting around this time in my first cycle which I thought might be implantation but unfortunately this developed into a proper bleed before OTD so I am hyper alert now especially when I go to the loo, checking tissues etc. 🤪

Floodiger don't despair, it's still a little early to test. I would say to wait it out now until OTD but I understand it can be really hard.

Chalkers81 it's totally understandable wanting to plan ahead- i do the same - it's normal after a fail or negative prognosis but still try and be hopeful... I have my fingers extra crossed for you.

Let's hope this week goes as quick as possible for all of us! 🤞 xx

Chalkers81 profile image

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Sending positive vibes to everyone and hope this week goes as quickly as possible. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 xxx

qido profile image

this morning i also sneaky took test 7dp5dt, showed bfn.. my otd is 11th. i’m start abit anxious that might failed again although since day 3 transfer i feel twinge, sore boops, once experience bit methalic taste and nausea continues if i stop munchies and only eat small portions when all this never happens to me. not sure if all of this progresteron effects or like i hoped i get bfp.

but today test start make me abit sad n worries.

Chalkers81 profile image
Chalkers81 in reply to qido

Its still so early, wait for Thursday. Everything crossed for you xx

qido profile image
qido in reply to Chalkers81

thanks hun... yes i keep said loud that i believe in miracles.. and always rub the belly and said.. come on baby’s stick and grows please... try to keep up positive and keep trying hope get any miracle.. xx

Floodiger profile image

Sure I'll declare myself a serial tester... 9dp5dt today BFN...

Have so many symtoms, I was sure it would be positive.... OTD is Fri so fingers crossed the beta kicks in for that... I'm gonna try hold off til then...

Hope your all not going insane... For all of us, we arnt out til we are out!

Chalkers81 profile image
Chalkers81 in reply to Floodiger

I would hold off until 12th hun, you are going to send yourself crazy 🤯. Only tomorrow to get through, and take your own advise and stay positive 😉 xxx

Chalkers81 profile image

I meant tomorrow and Thursday 😆

Chalkers81 profile image

good luck for everyone taking a test today xx

Chalkers81 profile image

Sadly my result was negative, hope for better outcome for all of you guys. Now going to plan what we do next, onwards xxx

Floodiger profile image
Floodiger in reply to Chalkers81

Sorry to hear your news. I was negative too, I started to bleed yesterday so confirmed today that no success...

Hugs xx

Chalkers81 profile image
Chalkers81 in reply to Floodiger

I am really sorry to hear this, it is really tough isnt it?! Wishing you all the luck for the next round, or whatever the right next step for you is.


qido profile image

mine also negative in blood test results but the odd things in afternoon has slightly faint two lines.. until this morning and then afternoon gone back to 1 line again...

i totally confused with my body and what happened.

i’m thinking to move clinics for next round fet as looking any success chance by changing protocol of meds

Chalkers81 profile image
Chalkers81 in reply to qido

Oh that is really sad - and I know how the body plays tricks on you, I was lactating with the first round so was convinced I was pregnant but it sadly wasn't the case. I wish you all the luck with whatever you do next xx

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