Shielding during treatment..sickline? - Fertility Network UK

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Shielding during treatment..sickline?

aamiller405 profile image
20 Replies

We'll be starting treatment again soon. My clinics advice has always been to shield during treatment. However Im a key worker and didnt/couldnt shield the last time. However covid has increased in my workplace in the last couple of weeks.

But even people who was initially off shielding have had to return to work now so I really don't see my work allowing me to shield for treatment. Did anyone get a GP letter to allow them time off or how did you all work it?

I would be happy to continue to work if they could put in the safer areas in work but again I don't know how to go about this...has anyones GP done anything similar for them?

Thank you

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aamiller405 profile image
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20 Replies
Tigr profile image

My clinic required me to shield, so did a combination between working from home and mostly taking annual leave.

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Tigr

unforunately neither of those are an option for me as we have no work from home option and all leave is currently suspended..thank you for your reply though x

Lovemylion profile image

I’m in the exact same situation and wondering whether to get a sick note to shield. I’ve decided that I’ll get a sick note for the 2ww and I’m still debating whether to get a sick note for 2 weeks before I start. Like you I’m a key worker and there has been cases of Covid at my place of work. I’m going to play it Day by day and see how it goes. My clinic don’t require me to shield but they say if I feel unsafe to get a sick note. Xx

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Lovemylion

Thanks for your reply..hard to know what to do isn't it. I have a consent appt with the clinic today so Ill see what they advise and see if I can get work and my GP to play ball I suppose. I wasnt too worried last time but Ive just got my rota and of course im woking in the area with all our suspected covid cases in the week before I start medication so I'm just worried that if I do get covid then it will stop all treatment. x

Lovemylion profile image
Lovemylion in reply to aamiller405

Let me know how u get on and what u decide! Xx

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Lovemylion

The clinic said yesterday they would upload a letter to my portal today from the consultant advising that I be put in non contact roles and areas with a lowest possible risk of transmission. Something along those lines.

Obviously im yet to find out if work will be agreeable lol x

Sas1101 profile image

Hi, I'm in the same position. For my FET in July my clinic (NHS) wrote a letter to my clinical lead advising me to shield. My manager did a risk assessment and I was allowed to shield. I'm about to start my new FET in October and I'm not sure they will allow me to shield as all the vulnerable people are now back at work. I also don't want my clinical lead/employer to know this time 😬

You said you work in an area with an increased risk if Covid. Do you wear PPE? It might be worth explaining your situation and seeing if they would allow you to wear FFP3 for extra protection. I'm fortunate that my trust have gone above the recommended gov guidelines for PPE so I'll feel like I'm protected.

I think you need to make a decision what's best for you and makes you feel more relaxed. You could take some annual leave/sick for some of the treatment if you feel that's going to be the better outcome. Have you approached your HR department, they may be able to guide you confidentiality about what you're entitled to. I didn't speak to my HR department last time bit have been told that my trust have an IVF policy. I didn't even know about it! It might be worth exploring that.

I wish you all the best with your FET. 🤞🏻🤞🏻💫💫

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Sas1101

Thank you very much for all this info.. Yeah we have PPE but it is very minimal tbh.. Our ivf policy only kicks in from transfer day unfortunately so Im just worried Id get covid before that and then not be able to continue.

But thank you for this advice. Ill speak yo the clinic today and take it from there x

Sas1101 profile image
Sas1101 in reply to aamiller405

It's really hard isn't it but honestly if you feel that taking some sick time will be the best then do it! I have taken time off in a previous cycle for sickness. You need to do what's best for you and in this instance you not work are the important one. Xx

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Sas1101

Thank you and good luck for your FET x

Becksdk profile image

Hi aamiller405

I was also required to shield as much as possible during my treatment, I work on a hospital ward so the risk of Covid is very high, therefore I asked my employer to redeploy me to an admin role while I was undergoing treatment! They organised it all for me and within 2 weeks, the new role was not available anymore as there wasn’t enough work for me to do 😑. I was upset as I thought they would expect me back on the ward but they didn’t and offered me to stay at home and shield! But I had to get a written statement from my consultant at the clinic as a supporting document! I would ask your clinic for a letter and show your employer and they can’t disregard it, they have to put something in place for you to protect you.

At the end of the day, time is of the essence when it comes to IVF, unless you’ve been through it, no one understands that, including employers, so to show them a statement explaining your situation it helps them to understand better. It’s not an option to ‘postpone’ as there is a pandemic happening, you want to be doing it now and growing your family.

I really hope you get it sorted with your employer because you come first and your potential baby comes first too!

Good luck with it all. Sending lots of baby dust to you xx

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Becksdk

Thank you very much. Im glad they were able to organise something for you. Definitely going to try and get something from my clinic when im up today so I can try and have something in place before I start xo

Ketkoot profile image

Hi. I am front line NHS (and can’t work from home) and have just had a lovely blastocyst put back in yesterday!

I discussed with my clinic beforehand and ended up working right up to EC day. They did a COVID swab a week before EC which was random! In my hospital it is 3 days before procedure but Thankfully it was negative!

My clinic gave me a 2 week sick note from EC though which I have to say I am very thankful for.

I agree you need to do what is right for you, it would have stressed me more if I had to self isolate for 2 weeks before. My clinic weren’t too bothered about the fact where I worked (one of the highest case areas in the UK!). I actually feel ‘safer’ at work than out doing the shopping!

Good luck with whatever you decide! X

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Ketkoot

Thank you.. Its good to hear from other people in a similar situation and how they are working it xo

Goldie24 profile image

I am in EXACTLY the same position and interested to see what others say. I had a freeze all last month because of OHSS and was hospitalised for 10 days and have been signed off for 6 weeks. The end of the 6 weeks is when I am due to have FET (roughly) but I know from friends that covid is on the up where I work too. I held my department together during covid, stepping up when my manager went off to shield and it was incredibly stressful. She is back but having no patient contact which means when I go back this would fall to me so I would be having even more than usual. after everything we have been through over the last few months I need to give this my best shot. As I am already off sick do I extend that or do I go back and hope for the best 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have no idea as neither feels right.

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Goldie24

Aw that is a tough one.. I really hope you can work something out..treatment comes first.. And good luck x

MrsBobsy profile image


We've just gone through our very first cycle and we were both advised to isolate. I was fine, as still WFH, but my husband's work have not been accommodating at all. Firstly, the clinic gave us both letters, so you could ask them? But after that didn't work (and a lot of appealing with his workplace) he ended up going to the GP who wrote a further letter to back up and support.

His work still wouldn't change their policy, but advised he take as sick leave, so he still got paid (most bizarre).

I would recommend asking the clinic for a letter in the first instance, then GP backup of you need it.

Good luck!


aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to MrsBobsy

Thank you.. Im at the clinic today so Ill get something from then and then ill speak to work and see what they say. Hadnt even considered my husbands work yet but his work have excellent covid procedures in place atm anyway so i wouldn't be as worried about his work x

Vicbax profile image

Hi, my clinic advised to self isolate also, I work in healthcare in the community so can’t work from home. My clinic gave me a code of conduct which I sent to my manager a month before starting treatment. I presumed everything was ok and I could have the time off according to my manager. This week is my 5th week off and HR are now asking for something more specific to me like a letter or something, they’ve only just got in touch with my manager and I’ve been off for nearly 6 weeks! Anyway I spoke to one of the nurses at the clinic who have provided me with a letter, if they don’t accept that which I think they will I will just get a back dated doctors note. I would advise to ask your clinic for a letter, I just didn’t need the stress this far on! Hope you get it sorted🙂x

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Vicbax

Thank you.. Sorry youve had the added stress I will definitely try to get a letter when im up today and see how it goes x

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