Hi Everyone...
*long post alert* it’s been a whirlwind 12 days.
I just wanted to let you know our IVF (ICSI) journey is now officially over and our dreams have finally come true... we now have a beautiful healthy baby boy.
At 32weeks pregnant following a routine growth scan I was told my low lying placenta had only moved 3mm since my 20week scan...and now called placenta previa. They was also worried about baby’s estimated weight which also seemed to have slowed down. I was asked to return in two weeks and prepare myself for a csection if there was no changes.
@34+5 I returned for another scan... sadly there was no changes. Placenta had stopped functioning and baby’s growth had completely stagnated. I was admitted to hospital and received steroid treatment for 48hrs to help mature baby’s lungs and he was delivered the following morning at exactly 35weeks via csection.
This was such a scary experience at the time as doctors prepare you mentally for all the worst case scenarios or possible health complications with a pre term baby as well as me developing gestational diabetes and passing this onto baby during this pregnancy.
However the most worrisome thing was being admitted to hospital during the midsts of a global pandemic. Everything about my hospital stay just scared the life out of me... I cried and prayed we would both make it out of there alive and covid free.
Being in hospital for 48hrs before and after delivery my partner daughter or family could not visit.
There were actually women giving birth alone as dads was being turned away... some dads were made to wait/sleep in car parks until there partner was in final stages of labour and only being allowed in once active pushing started.
As my csection was planned and high risk we was lucky enough to have a time for my partner to attend. He was allowed into delivery suite just as I was being taken to surgery.
All went well... baby weighed 4lb 7oz
There was no excessive bleeding like doctor thought could happen with placenta previa... and no issues with baby’s lungs or breathing.
My partner could only spent two hours with me and baby in recovery and then they were both taken from me in seconds 💔my Partner had to leave at the same time my baby’s sugars dropped dangerously low so he was taken to the special care baby unit. 😭😭😭
I slept for 4hours before having to be at his bedside in the SCBU and every 3hours after that for every feed for the two days he was in there. I must say.... the staff was truly amazing💙not only are they health professionals they have to also step in emotionally where family and friends would normally be. I was a complete mess the first day 😫
Fast forward.... we was released on day 4 post delivery and finally reunited with Daddy and Big sister and now safe and sound at home.
I am elated and so grateful for this blessing I have received... I have been so emotional remembering the journey... the years it’s taken to get here... although super tired 💤 I didn’t sleep a wink whilst in hospital so making up for it now.
Before I say goodbye.... I would like to thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for the support, time. and effort shown towards me within this forum. You will always be apart of this surreal journey and I will never forget your contribution towards this happy ending. Your a beautiful bunch of selfless people even whilst undergoing your own infertility journeys.
I wish you all the best and lots of love for the future 💙💙💙