I’m due back to work Friday (also test day) and I’m really concerned that if I’m fortunate to have a positive result, that I’m putting myself at risk. What’s your thoughts? And are there many of you that’s working whiles pregnant at this terrifying time? Xx
thoughts on going back to work whiles... - Fertility Network UK
thoughts on going back to work whiles pregnant during Covid-19

Hi Beginner. I can fully understand your anxieties just now. If you can't work from home, then you must follow the government recommendations as set out online. Not much more I can say just now, but I do hope all goes well on Friday. Thinking of you. Diane
Thank you Diane, I mean I’m happy to go back but with not much evidence it doesn’t give me much hope that I’m safe. I work in a nursing home and their still accepting new clients into the home. I guess il just have to wait and evaluate after results and speaking to my boss. Xxx
Hi lovely. You do whatever is best for you. I don't think there's been any proven risks for pregnancy specifically from the looks of it, but if you're worried about you getting sick that's a different matter.... Do whatever you need to. I would try and use holiday or go off unpaid (or go off sick) if worried..... Or if you become stressed... stress can be a nightmare, and again, I wouldn't be worried about the impact of stress on my embryo, but the impact on myself can be severe! Personally, IF I'm pregnant, I wouldn't be going in to work at this time. I wouldn't be going in to a shop either!!! xxx
It's really hard to know what is the right thing to do. I work for the NHS and am currently doing coronavirus testing on healthcare staff that have symptoms. I'm 5dp5dt with my second FET. I think that if this little bean is meant to stick then it will do regardless.
If the RCOG guidance regarding pregnancy and coronavirus changes then I will reconsider this job. But I'm trusting the current best available evidence, which is that there doesn't appear to be any more risk to pregnant women or fetuses up to 28 weeks.
Who knows if I'm doing the right thing but for now I'll continue.
What I'm trying to say is do whatever is best for you. If you're at home going stir crazy, that has no benefit either.
Good luck for a positive!! X
Your right! If it’s meant to be, it will be. As simple as that sounds I didn’t really think of it that way.... as my mind has been going crazy.
I hope all goes ok for you and thank you for doing such a great job and putting yourself out there. All things considered and the journey IVF takes us on... your still there, doing your job.
Thank you for your comment. It has made me look at it slightly differently xxx
I also work in a care home........
I took the first week off after the government dropped the bombshell that pregnant women were classed as vulnerable but went back to work when the official RCOG document came out about it being just as safe to work as any other healthy person.
It was a relief and I’m happy/relieved to carry on as normal. 12 weeks of SSP would have had a knock on effect to my maternity pay in three months as well which was stressful.
There’s still no evidence and id take that as a good sign considering the amount of people the virus has effected worldwide.
You just have to do what feels right xx
I think as soon as you get the positive test result you might want to take greater precautions - work from home etc - that’s the Government’s advice. Difficult as it’s so early doors and you wouldn’t normally disclose at this stage - but I would tell your manager in confidence and get them to permit you to have different working conditions. X