Hi everyone,
First I want to say a massive thank you to this amazing community for all the thoughtful words and messages of support. It has been a long journey but this place has gotten me through the worst days.
Second, I am so sorry to those who have had changes to their fertility plans due to the Covid19 crisis. Please be patient and try to keep your mind busy during these times. I'll be praying for you all.
Third, I'd like to share some exciting news as I know positive posts helped give me hope and it might give you hope too.
I had my transfer on March 14th of a delayed fertilised frozen embryo that struggled to day 5 blast. It became a 4AB grade and was not genetically tested.
I did sneaky test on 4dp5dt and had a faint positive. Retested on the 6th and had the result in this image. Yesterday was my Beta, came back at 499. I literally am besides myself after years and years of negatives. I have never seen 2 lines in my life before. My second beta is due on Thursday.
With that said, I know we are not out of the woods for a while. I'm also a nurse that can't be off work. I'll pray each day this virus settles and we return to normality.
Sending you all love, wishing you success, and praying for your miracles.