whats ever1 hopein 4 boy or a girl?? and who eva is pregant now congratulations xxxx
boy or girl what u want a boy or a gi... - Fertility Network UK
boy or girl what u want a boy or a girl xx

I honestly had no preference. I had a son from a previous relationship but wouldn’t minded another boy just a healthy baby is all I asked for after a 7 year struggle it didn’t matter. We were grateful to be having a baby.My mother in law had a preference for a girl & it really annoyed us. We did end up having a little girl but like I said we would have been happy with either. xxx
I think you will find 99.9% of people on here do not care if they have a boy or a girl they are just longing for a child full stop. After years of trying, and years of fertility treatment sex of the baby is irrelevant ❤💙
Def not bothered. Just a healthy child would be lovely. 🤞🤞 it could happen this time x
A healthy baby is all any of us can hope for!! 🤞🏻
If I could choose I would love to have a boy, but I will be absolutely thrilled with either after the enormous struggle of getting to this point. Tomorrow is the big day for us, we've got our 20 week scan and hopefully will be able to find out the gender of our bean. So excited!
Would love a girl, but will be over the moon regardless...x
I’d like a boy as I’ve 2 girls but after 3 mmc I really don’t care I doubt I’ll get either tbh
i want boy i dnt mind a girl i want boy more tho wud love a girl 2 xx
i want 3 or 5 kids xx i dont have none atm stayin positive im gna keep tryin till i get 2 lines stayin positive