2 weeks club: Hi ladies I have not... - Fertility Network UK

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2 weeks club

Ksenia profile image
12 Replies

Hi ladies

I have not posted anything about my journey, but I do read and keep an eye. I decided to share as I am hoping to get some advice maybe and just to chat about what is going on as I did no say anything even to my mum.

So, I had a fresh transfer yesterday. All looks fine, but I am super bloated (I feel like a massive balloon and NONE of my clothes fit me anymore). I have put about 3 kg on during the treatment as well. Anyway, I have a pain on the right side all day long. It’s not sharp, but with the bloating together they make my life quite difficult especially at work. How are you coping 2ww mates?

Best Wishes


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Ksenia profile image
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12 Replies
Gueritarubia profile image

Welcome! Did they retrieve a lot of eggs? You might have (mild) OHSS. Drink loads of water (like 3 litres a day!) and eat extra protein to alleviate it. I had this my second cycle and felt miserable. Ate eggs for breakfast, pulses for lunch and meat or fish for dinner and was permanently on the toilet because of my water intake!

It might get a little worse still but should start subsiding in a few days. Call your clinic if pain or bloating gets too extreme. Reduce salt intake too, and try to move (walk) or lay on your back with your feet up against the wall to help your circulation.

I did get pregnant after a horrible bout of late onset OHSS and have a beautiful girl now, so focus on the end goal! Good luck, thinking of you.

Ksenia profile image
Ksenia in reply to Gueritarubia

Hi! Thank you very much for the quick response and the advice :) my clinic did not tell about it, so will definitely follow your instructions. Protein diet will help to maintain my weight, too, Yes, they retrieved 20 😳 eggs. My AMH was quite low and I had high doses of stimulation hormone. And here we go- 20 eggs! 😂 I hope it’s not OHSS, but don’t mind anything as long as I have a baby to be honest. Xxx

Gueritarubia profile image
Gueritarubia in reply to Ksenia

Pleasure :-)

With such amazing number of eggs, it’s likely to be OHSS! I feel your pain, I was so uncomfortable when I had it! Mine was late onset and went back to the clinic 9 days post transfer and they ran blood tests and did a scan. Both confirmed OHSS and that I was pregnant, by which point I couldn’t care less about OHSS discomfort ;-)

Hang in there! If it does get extreme call your clinic as in severe cases you might need a drip and monitoring

Shamu5678 profile image

Hey! Fresh ET done yesterday as well. I found it really emotional - first time and we were left with 1 not quite blastocyst and three slow movers out of 15 eggs so not sure how much hope I’m left with!

I’m back to work today to try and keep busy and not obsess over the little bean! How are you feeling Ksenia?

Ksenia profile image
Ksenia in reply to Shamu5678

Hey! Fingers crossed! I’ve heard a lot about successful 3-days-old transfers, so still a lot of hope 😊 thanks, I am feeling much better. I wore a very baggy dress and tried to eat more protein + lots of water and really helped! Do you suffer from bloating? I believe 15 eggs is a lot and you may have the same symptoms as mine. I keep myself very busy/ work, classes, hobby (obsessed with knitting), but my mind is always on the next Friday (it’s my testing date). When is yours?

Shamu5678 profile image
Shamu5678 in reply to Ksenia

Next Friday too! Gulp!!

I’ve been very bloated, was constipated for days and have been rocking the dresses and floaty trousers at work. Drinking lots of water, eating loads of protein and it seems to be going down too!

I’m keeping myself as occupied as I can, but finding I’m crashing out and going to bed really early. Fingers crossed for both of us!!

Tigr profile image

Did you ladies get the bloating to go away? My belly keeps on bloating and looks big when I don't pull it in (which I really cannot do constantly) and is painful and I am so worried somebody will ask if I am pregnant which would probably make me run away and cry. I am on day 6 after iui/day 7 after trigger and was expecting the bloating to go away with time 😒

Shamu5678 profile image
Shamu5678 in reply to Tigr

I’m finding drinking LOTS of water (as close to 4 litres a day) has helped it go down. The bloat is one of the crueller tricks of the medication and EC/ET isn’t it?! Baggy trousers, or floaty maxi dresses were my go to over jeans or anything with a proper structured waistband! It does go down hun - be gentle with yourself x

Ksenia profile image
Ksenia in reply to Tigr

The same with me: I feel better but the belly is quite visible and I cannot really put it in. I noticed my colleague was steering at my belly yesterday, but she did not ask anything thankfully. Maybe a good trick will be just to “complain” they you’ve put couple of kilos on?

Tigr profile image
Tigr in reply to Ksenia

Maybe I can try that. I am on low carb because of PCOS, so rather on the light side, so this is even more obvious and I cannot blame chocolate or ice cream as they are forbidden. Stealing husband's T-shirts might be a good one as well. I will also try having even more water. It helped a lot with the headaches in the first few days after the trigger. Fingers crossed for all of us that the hassle is worth it 🤞

Lifelongdream profile image

Hello Lovely. All what your feeling is exactly how i felt and i put on a lot of weight too. Please dont worry, go with it. My doctor advised me to add a little more salt to my diet to help with the bloating and that seemed to help things as i was struggling! Keep busy and most of all keep positive! xxx

Ksenia profile image
Ksenia in reply to Lifelongdream

Hi! Thank you for the advice, I’ll try salt, too. Oh, it feels like forever! 1 more week to go. Fingers crossed for all members of 2ww club 🤞

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