Just had a call from the clinic to discuss BFP ❤️ They booked us in for viability scan on 19th June, that's over 3 weeks to wait 😳 Am going to be so anxious waiting for that appointment! Everything crossed we get to the scan this time and have good news 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Thanks to everyone for your support so far, as always you've all been incredible x
Viability scan : Just had a call from... - Fertility Network UK
Viability scan

I know this is so so hard. My scan is on the 13th and I am counting every hour down almost.
Everything crossed for you xx
It’s my OTD today and my clinic said they won’t see me until June 12th and I thought that was a long wait!! Here’s hoping the next few weeks go quick for both of us 🤞🏻🤞🏻🌈Xxx
It will soon fly by I’m so happy for you xx it’s amaaazing how happy these big fat positive make you feel for other people xx
I know it’s a long wait but take it Day by day that’s what I’m doing an mines a week tomorrow. Getting there slowly ! And then we will get to see our little embies fingers crossed 🤞 everything is perfect xXx
Gives us all hope it will fly by seeetheart I can’t wait to see your update take care of yourself xx
Congratulations for your new pregnancy wishing you all the best x try not to stress the scan date will come around fast.
I feel you there. Mines not til 17th June...so I booked a private one for next week at 6w+2. I cant wait that long, I just need to see it to believe it. I know it will only be a blob at that stage but as long as its a 6w+2 sized blob i think I'll be able to relax..slightly. Good luck x
I have considered this! How early are they able to detect a heartbeat, do you know? x
Some people get lucky and can see one from 6 weeks but I think its generally after 7 weeks minimum. Im not expecting to see one so I wont be dissapointed, im more concerned about measurements showing its growing correctly and the fetal pole etc are looking as they should. Its only £47 at this place, priceless for a bit of reassurance
Congrats! If you get really anxious you could always pay Baby Bound privately for a scan...it might ease your mind a bit?
After having my missed miscarriage discovered at my 12 week scan I'll definitely be having an early one! I'd love to have them weekly haha ok daily! Good luck with it 🍀
I’ve got my scan a week today, this wait feels longer then then 2WW. Each stage off IVF seems to take longer and longer 😂
How long have you been waiting lovely? I just know it's going to drag. Hopefully it's not too painful a wait x
A week, we got our positive last Monday. So we’ve got two weeks to wait in total. The 1st couple of days went really quickly, think I was on a happiness cloud, as I’ve never seen a positive test before. But towards the end of the week I’ve started thinking how can I have got so lucky, please don’t let anything go wrong. 😂😂
Waiting for scans is awful, I can completely relate.
As some ladies are suggesting you can always go private for the first scan and use your clinic’s one as a reassurance scan.
Tip: go to groupon and search for “early pregnancy scans” in your area. Baby bond is really good, and now they even send clips of the baby’s heartbeat, which is lovely, but they cost my 90£ for my first scan VS 39£ I paid for a reassurance scan at 8 weeks using a deal I found in groupon.
Best of luck 😘😘
Im the same day as you
Eeek its a heck of a long time isnt it!! One day at a time lovely.xx
I get you! Mine is a week today and I’m going out of my mind, I keep thinking about looking at paying for an early scan but worry that it might be too early to see much and cause me more anxiety. Ivf is def all about waiting isn’t it? Wishing you a speedy couple of weeks xxxx