Melatonin: I have read many things... - Fertility Network UK

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29 Replies

I have read many things regarding melatonin and aiding eggs can you take this? Recommended no higher than 3mg?

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29 Replies
gemmy999 profile image

Hi, I have taken this for 2 cycles. Last cycle was my best but bfn. So it may have helped. I take 3mg at night. X

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to gemmy999

Thank you, we had our first cycle last year and resulted in 10 eggs, 6 fertilised but was left with one and it had a lot of fragmentation but they tried it anyway and BFN was devastating! Have our next appointment on the 30th and full of anxiety and fears

gemmy999 profile image
gemmy999 in reply to Trying5

I’m sorry to hear about your bfn. It is devastating 😢 I got mine from

biovea as well. I don’t remember it taken too long. My acupuncture’s at the time recommended it. Good luck xx

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to gemmy999

I have placed an order on Biovea also on Bronson vitamins and see what ones comes first hahaha

CAS2 profile image

I take and get it from (along with DHEA and loads of others). 3mg before bed.

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to CAS2

Thank you, how long did your delivery take from there? GP said not to take it but loads of research and suggests it's a good thing to take

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Trying5

It takes around 10 days as it's an international delivery, but a good source.

Not sure the GP is best places to advise on such a specialist subject. Did you ask your IVF clinic?

I also added vit e and L’argenine to my last round. Got my first positive. Fingers crossed it stays that way 🤞

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to CAS2

Congratulations!!!!!! How far along are you? Will keep everything crossed for you and yours!! My GP told me not to take any supplements and we had a long conversation back and forth so I wont be going for advice again. I know you can get melatonin on prescription so I thought I would ask but he was non the wiser

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Trying5

Thank you! Not very. Tested on Saturday and only had my egg transfer on 8th April so very early days.

My consultant recommended Melatonin and DHEA, mostly due to my age (40) as he thought it would help egg quality. Also took vit D, B, Omega 3, I rattled and haven't had a cold in ages!

Why was your doctor against them? Just lack of evidence or something?

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to CAS2

Hi, how are you getting on? I have built up a bigger supply of vitamins and essentials and waiting on the melatonin to be delivered which should be 2moro or Tuesday

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Trying5

Hello. I’m feeling fine, Thanks you for asking. Not many preggo symptoms yet but trying not to be too paranoid 🙈

Glad you have your delivery coming. Remember to take it before bedtime as it can make some people sleepy.

Oh did I mention I took ubiquinol too? Just from Amazon xxx

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to CAS2

So I have received all my vitamins etc and started taking the extras I'm really hoping this time works as the first time failing was soul destroying!! How many times have you went through this? How are you getting on? Xxxx

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Trying5

Hi. Glad you got them all through and hope they make a difference 🙂

I have had 3 rounds. Got BFP for first time on the 3rd got and got viability scan Tuesday 🤞🤞

My consultant has been fab. After second round he realised my follicles have to be very big to produce a mature egg. I have about 20 Antral follicles and was getting 11 eggs and only 2 blasts, which failed.

The last round he increased my Menopur and kept me going full 12 days. And did a 38 hour trigger.

Made soooo much difference. 20 eggs, 13 fertilised, 7 blasts, 2 in and 5 frozen. I could not believe the difference. I was led to believe at 40, AMH 8 this was not possible. The vits, and the right protocol made such a difference. We worked hard to improve OH’s sperm too! Just hoping they’re genetically viable now 😊🤞

When do you go again? Xx

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to CAS2

My goodness it just goes to show..... I have to phone on my next period to get booked in and prostap and then scan should be estimated for the 1st of July..... feel like the 1st time it all came round really quickly and now this time everything is dragging!! I drive myself mad and want to call them all the time and ask questions and rather than sounding like a psychopath to them on the phone all the time I decided to join this hahaha 🤦‍♀️ this is where I have realised I am not alone and my worries and questions are very similar to people on here.

I am doing what I can to improve OHs too and he shakes and rattles as he walks too lol

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Trying5

Everything with IVF feels like it comes round so slowly doesn't it! It will be here before you know it. Yes it nice to have the forum as most people have been through the same stuff and can help with some of the questions we have :-)

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to CAS2

How are you getting on CAS2 xxxxx

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Trying5

Hi Trying5, I'm good thanks. Currently 9 weeks +2. Had viability scan at 7 weeks and there were 2 little strong heartbeats :-) Hoping that they are still going strong and doing well at the next scan 14th June. Trying to stay positive and banish any niggling doubts!

How are you? How's the vit regime? Are you rattling around :-) xxx

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to CAS2

That is fantastic news!!! So pleased for you and yours!!! Its amazing the overwhelming feeling you get for strangers lol such positive news!!! Keep me posted for the 14th of June! I am taking all my vitamins and was panicked when I saw luminous yellow urine hahaha but it's the body's natural response to too much vitamin B and its turning my urine glow in the dark lol back to hospital on the 13th and then scan on the 1st and it's all starting again xxxxx

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to Trying5

Thank you so much :-) It's all very hard to believe but I am going with it and trying to stop any negative thoughts creeping in! Yes I'll keep you posted.

Luminous yellow urine must have been a shock! Make sure you are drinking loads of water to dilute it all!

Are you doing a long protocol or short? Hope it comes around quickly...but make sure you enjoy yourself in the meantime, try not to be too strict ;-) xx

lolly2019 profile image
lolly2019 in reply to CAS2

Did someone recommend l’argenine? I’ve read it can have a detrimental affect on eggs so although have it sitting here after initially reading positive things I am too scared to add it to my pill box!!

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to lolly2019

Hi Lolly, I am not too sure I will need to check my list of multi vitamins that I take but I'm sure this may be in one of them??? Now that you have mentioned it I think I can remember seeing it on the list in one of the ones I take. I take a multi vitamin that's called preconceive, melatonin 3mg and a high strength omega 3 and other things that I need to look at when I finish work. I will get back to you with that but i havent read anything about what you have mentioned. Positive or not I will need to look it up as you have made me wonder lol our first cycle failed due to our blastocyst having a lot of fragmentation and we are due our second cycle. Just phoned the clinic as this is my start date of period and it all starts from now and we are desperate and hopeful but dreading at the same time because it's a big panic due to being so desperate for it to work. Where are you on your journey? Xxxx

lolly2019 profile image
lolly2019 in reply to Trying5

Thanks for replying. My first cycle failed due to abnormal fertilisation-egg quality, so looking to improve it anyway I can. I’d read loads of positive stuff and then read one negative piece about it maybe reducing the number of eggs. I only had 3 collected at first cycle so dont want to risk it. Due period next weekend then will begin second cycle. Currently taking infofolic, dhea, q10, vit d, vit c, vit e, omega 3 and will start melatonin with cycle. Good luck with everything!

Trying5 profile image
Trying5 in reply to lolly2019

Hey, my proconceive multivitamin contains what you were asking about in previous post. Surely that wouldnt be included if it was a negative? I got the proconceive from Holland and barret along with loads of other things. I am booked in to Glasgow royal on the 13th and then for my scan on the 1st of July. I had ten collected on first cycle and 6 fertilised but was only left with one blastocyst that had severe fragmentation but they implanted it anyway and it failed. We were devastated. We are hoping for better results this time round. Xxxx

lolly2019 profile image
lolly2019 in reply to Trying5

The preconceive contains l’argenine? That’s good to know. I have it sitting it here just wasn’t sure about taking it. My consultants have pretty much poo pooed any extra vitamins I have asked about and feel a bit out on my own with it all! Good luck with this round!

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to lolly2019

Hello Lolly2019, I took L'Argenine during my last cycle that worked. My consultant said to add that and vit E to my regime. I'm now pregnant but think it was a combo of factors. Worth reading my reply to Trying5 as I also had very low fertilisation rates and apparently low quality eggs. Consultant pushed me to have much bigger follicles and it made so much difference. It was like a different person going through the cycle!!!

lolly2019 profile image
lolly2019 in reply to CAS2

Thanks for replying. Think I’m going to give it a go! My consultants haven’t been the most positive about any extra vitamins I’ve asked about to be honest, have done all the research myself and they haven’t answered any questions I’ve asked about various things. Just feel a bit alone with it all! Other than my flare protocol meds and folic acid/vit D they didn’t advise me of anything else! I’m taking vit e, c, d, b12, folic acid, q10 and dhea. Going to add in l’argenine and melatonin too. What dosage did you take of l’argenine and for how long?? Thanks again

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to lolly2019

Sorry for late reply. I took Argenine 1000mg (1 per day) from day 1 of my IVF cycle until EG. I also took vit E for the same time period. This is what my consultant advised (and not to take it in between cycles). I took everything else between cycles tho (DHEA, Melatonin, Vit D, Omega, Vit B complex with folic and Ubiquinol). Good luck!

lolly2019 profile image
lolly2019 in reply to CAS2

Hello, just starting norethisterone and begin cycle two after 54 days with no AF. Clinic not helpful re l’arg or melatonin and was wondering when you started yours? I know you said not between cycles but unsure whether to begin now or wait until post pill bleed and injections begin. It’s all so confusing! Hope

You are well.

CAS2 profile image
CAS2 in reply to lolly2019

l’arg I started on cycle day one of IVF (so first day of my period prior).Melatonin I took all the time.

Good luck x

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