Is there another line? Or am I imagining this?
Today is 3 days after OTD, on OTD it was negative?? What do people think?
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Is there another line? Or am I imagining this?
Today is 3 days after OTD, on OTD it was negative?? What do people think?
I can see a line!
Providing you read the test within the correct time frame definitely a positive test.
Maybe your baby implanted later like mine did!
I had implantation cramps 12 days post ovulation & am 34 weeks pregnant. It seemed quite late & at the time I thought it was my period coming until it didn’t show up!!!
Wishing you the best with your pregnancy xoxo
As much as I want it to be, I’m not 100% convinced cos it’s so faint. Will try another brand ..
If you retest make sure it’s with first urine of the day as it might not show at this early point.
I used a clearblue digital conception pregnancy test which showed 2-3 weeks the day after my missed period.
I was in deep shock as I had written it off happening for us!!!
Definitely looks positive to me, hopefully as the pregnancy progresses the line will get darker ( not that im encouraging you to be a serial tester like I was! 🤣)
It’s such early days it will be quite faint, this is very normal most women except us TTC wouldn’t test until much later.
Hope the on call consultant calls you back soon. xxx
Spoke with Consultant and to test again on Friday, and continue with meds. Another 4 days to go.. will be insane by then 🤪🙈
That sounds very hopeful. Has it made you feel better? I would test sooner than just Friday as it would be horrible for you to be in such limbo. Not good for you get stressed pregnant. Hope your tests get darker as the days go on xxx
Consultant didn’t say much, just have to wait 🤪
I can see another line !! Can you ring your clinic?
Clinic is shut, I’ve left a message for the on call consultant.. 🙄 slightly panicking/excited/not sure/🤪
Oh fingers crossed they get back to you today! Like Jess said, you have implanted late hence the late result. Keeping everything crossed for you, congratulations!! X
Spoke with consultant, suggested I carry on with meds until Friday and test again on Friday. Think I will be crazy by then 🤪
Congratulations, that is definitely a line. Could you try a digital test tomorrow morning? I did a clearblue and it was very faint but I had a Pregnant 2-3 weeks on the digital the next day.
I tried a clear blue yesterday not the digital one and it was also showing faint line. I kind of gave up on OTD date as it was the results are inconclusive .. it’s all strange. Am I in or am I out?! Hoping to speak to the consultant.
Looks positive to me! How many days post transfer were you to test by and was it a 3 or 5 day embryo? I had a late implanter on my last transfer. Fingers crossed for you!xx
Official OTD was Good Friday..
15 DPT
I think you are still in with a chance! I had a really faint postive on 12dp5dt on FRER which would have been negative on clear blue. I had my bloods done on 14dp5dt and it was only 43 but it rised nicely after that although I sadly miscarried at 6weeks. You've still got a chance! Good luck.xx
Thank you, as much as I want it to happen I’m not 100% convinced so will continue in the extended 2 ww lol 😬 another 4 days to go then.
I’m so sorry for your miscarriage I can’t even imagine the pain. Life huh.
Thanks x