NK cells test( beta2-glycoprotein-I a... - Fertility Network UK

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NK cells test( beta2-glycoprotein-I antibodies) need some advice plz!

Paris1771 profile image
24 Replies

Hello everybody

Hope u all doing well in your tough journey! I have been tested for NK cells(blood test) in Denmark in less than 3 weeks ago! It has’nt been just NK cell as it was a very comprehensive blood test with several items of antibodies and coagulations etc.The Prof informed us yesterday by mail! It was too professional actually but as he says the only abnormality they found on my blood is my concentration of beta2-glycoprotein-I antibodies which was 37 kU/L (it should normally be below 20 kU/l). He reccomended prednisolone5 mg before bfp and then 10 mg ! Another medecine he said is a low-dose heparin 5000 units daily (or fragmin or innohep)by injection all pregnancy to prevent thrombosis og decrease the risk of miscarriage!!

I am so confused as I almost have never heard these things!! Is there any body who knows anything about these factors?! I do need some guidance or advice if u can! Sorry if this is too complicated or prefessional! It is just all I heard from him!

I do apprecciate your time and replies!

Good luck everybody! xxxxx

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Paris1771 profile image
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24 Replies
Saya85 profile image

Hi there

Thts great that you had a Comprehensive test and that nothing serious was found.

Usually any immune problems (such as NK cells or high antibodies ) are treated with steroids to suppress the immune system so it doesn’t attack/reject the embryo.

Prednisone is a steroid and your dose is quite low so you shouldn’t have any problems with it. It is a very common medication and most fertility clinics do prescribe it.

The other big factor that causes a lot of implantation problems and early miscarriage is blood clotting/coagulAnt issues that prevent Healthy blood flow to the womb and maintains the endometrium lining.

Therefore a lot of women are also given blood thinning medicAtion (usually aspirin tablets and other injections )

The most common types of injections are hepArin and Clexane (these are the brand names) so again this is very commonly prescribed.

I’m not sure of the dosages for hepArin but whichever clinic you are with should be fAmiliar with it

Rest assured this is quite common and often gives you the best chance during treatment 😊

Good luck x

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Saya85

Hi dear Saya

Thank u sooo much for the useful info! Actually I was hoping that they could find any reason for my infertility and wishing that there could be a treatment for it! Im really tired of recurrent bfp!

The prednisolone seems ok as far as it is a low dosage but if heparin is for blood clott, I dont know why I must take it! He says I do not have any blood clotting peoblems! So just alittle bit confused! Anyway I hope these can help me to get pregnant and I think it worth a try if it is not harmful!

Thank u again! Wishing u good luck as well!


Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Paris1771

You’re welcome 😊

Not all forms of coagulating factors are picked up on standard tests. So even if you tested negative for now there could be another issue underlying.

For this reason ifyou have had recurrent BfNs it is usually worth trying blood thinners. If you’re worried about the injections a lot of women are just given aspirin and it’s helped them to even conceive naturally.

A lot of clinics don’t believe in NK cells so unless you have another autoimmune issue they may not give you steroids.

But most are familiar with blood clotting issues so see what your clinic says. Generally I don’t believe there are any significant negatives /harm from blood thinners but as with any meds you have to be careful etc (especially with injuries /bruising etc)

Have you been tested for thyroid issues? That is another big factor with infertility.

And if you tend to bleed quite early in pregnancy or after transfer then you may need higher progesterone also to support the pregnancy.

I am taking all the above this cycle and hope we get some good news too

Wish you well x

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Saya85

Thanx a lot dear!

Ok, then he suggested heparin for preventing any coagulations! Ive heard about baby aspirin as well but maybe heparin could work better! I dont know!

Here in Sweden they dont believe in NK cell test but I have the prescription from Denmark and I can take the medecine!

I have been checked for thyroid as well but I didnt have any issues in this part!

I have had bleeding after my ET but the clinic gives me high dosage of progestrone pessaries if it is a fresh transfer!

U know, I think my body is just so strange and never ever happened any BFP in intire my life! Just tired of it😫but this time I want to try all I can for the treatment! Just everything crossed for both of us for a healthy baby! xxxxx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Paris1771

Absolutely, I understand how you feel. I only ovulated on fresh cycle but don’t even ovulate. And now I have so many embryos but none seem to implant - never had a BFp either 😕

So I am also throwing everything into this. Steroids and blood thinners etc

I do have thyroid issues which makes it more complicated.

I would ask to see your thyroid results. A lot of doctors classify it as normal but for fertility your TSH needs to be below 2.5 which is lower than ‘normal’ of 4.0.

So you might be helped with thyroxine tablets also. Worth ticking all boxes

I hope this is our time 🙂

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Saya85

Oh dear so sorry that u ve had such a hard experience too😔!

As he wrote to me :the thyroid gland hormone TSH was normal (2,3 miu/L) and it is still lower the red line is’nt it?!

Really hope for our chances this time🤞🤞🤞

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Paris1771

Oh good sounds like your tsh is 2.3

So is good enough for fertility.

Good luck to you too!

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Saya85

Yes ! Seems that this part is ok then!

I wish both of us a very geart luck in our ways! xxxxx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Paris1771

P.s I just saw on your profile you have uterine fibroids (!) please make sure you discuss hepArin with your clinic- do not administer privately without them knowing.

Although hepArin can be used in conjunction with fibroid treatment it can also worsen periods and bleeding.

Always get medical advice and second opinion if you don’t trust that particular doctor etc xx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Saya85

Yes I had several uterus fibroids and had a surgurey about2 years ago but fibroids can come back again! If heparin does have any affect on it, though I have to talk to my dr and even must mention it again to the Prof who adviced it to me! Thank u so much for useful advice! Really apprecciate it! 🙌🙌🙌

Hey lovely I had massive amounts of tests done also in Poland they found only one thing slightly high NK cells but still within normal range. For second transfer I got bfn. Moved to clinic in uk who dismissed the tests as unnecessary got transfer here with no prednisilone this time and got bfp! So far 14 wks.

My clinic said there is research to say the prednisilone could do more harm than good. I found it so complicating as well as hugely expensive !!!

Go with your gut instinct and good luck xxx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to

Hi dear Snuggles

Thank u so much for your reply! Congratulations for your pregnancy! Im happy to hear it was a successful transfer for u!

Actually he gave me low dosage but still not sure if It’s ok or not! Im so confused too! I have nothing more to do! I did the tests in Denmark and I live in Sweden ! They dont believe it in Sweden but maybe it worth a try! I bought it so cheap in Denmark .it was about10£ For 100 tablets! Maybe the price in different in every countries!

I just hope it can help me to get a safe pegnancy!

Whishing u all the best and a great pregnancy!


in reply to Paris1771

Good luck. Just a little warning if you do start to take them you can’t just stop instantly. You need to slowly come of them. Xxx all the very best xx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to

Thank u so much for awaring me before starting it! These medecines could be so tricky some times! They help one way and make problems in another way! So just hope to find out which is the best for my condition!

Hope all the best too! xxxxxx

The best thing to do isnshare your results with your clinic and they will prescribe what they believe is the best solution for your results. The great thing is that you have had it done. Fingers crossed for your next round xxx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to

Hi dear Camillage

Thank u so much! Yes I will speak with my dr about it. However I know they dont believe in it here!

Yes Im satisfied that I did it so feels a little bit better now!

Whish u a safe and nice pregnancy! Take care!


in reply to Paris1771

They can't deny the results of the blood tests really. And each clinic is different as you have seen in the responses above. Wishing you all the best. Keep us in the loop. Xxx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to

I really hope so! The medical services in Sweden is so weired and special!!

I will keep posting u about it for sure!

Thanx a lot! Xxxxx

Cinderella5 profile image

Hi Paris, I was tested like this too......lots of bloods. Its all pretty complicated but I got a small written report which gave me the advice of blood thinners....mine is similar to your but not the same -GpIa positive (Glycoprotein Receptor GpIa). Im taking prednisolone for my next one as I have slightly higher NK cells. Can you email the clinic back to ask for a small explanation or will that come later? My thoughts were, it was something to try and it wont do any harm, if it help then great! All sounding quite positive that you have something to try!xx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Cinderella5

Hi dear Cinderella

Thank u for your reply! So we have quite the same situation!

I asked him to send me the original scan of the blood test coz he informed me just by mail that he wrote some explanations!

I bought prednisolone in Denmark and have not started yet! As some ladies say there are some researches against using that in pregnancy! Man gets just so confused! I will talk to my dr again and I guess I will take them!

As u said it is quite positive that I feel U can do something about my infertility and going towards that!

Keep in touch if u get any new news!

Everything crossed for all of us in this hard journey! xxxxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Paris1771

It is hard to know what to do with so much conflicting information but as Ive tried everything so far with no results I thought I would go for it and apparently the dose is so low that it shouldnt affect anything. I found this post re steriods that I found quite reassuring. Also I wotn start this until around 5 days before transfer so wont be starting this until then.xx


Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Cinderella5

Yeah this is exactly what I think so! I gonna try it coz I have no other choice and I think it worth a try!

He said I have to start prednisolone from the first day of my ivf process and in compare with your, could be quite a lot though!!

Are u going to take any heparin or aspirin too?

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Paris1771

Im taking aspirin and then will switch to clexane around the same time as prednisolone around 5/6 days before embryo transfer.xx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Cinderella5

Good! So u r trying both of them as well! It is reassuring!

By the way thank u for the useful website! It is really helpful and lots of beneficial info on it! Thanx a lot!

Wish all the success in the world for us from the bottom of my heart! xxxx

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