What symptoms did you have during stimms, especially the early periods.
If you down regulated before, does it take a while before you start feeling the effects of stimming?
What symptoms did you have during stimms, especially the early periods.
If you down regulated before, does it take a while before you start feeling the effects of stimming?
I was quite glad to get to stimming as my AF didn't want to stop when I was down regging, it only went when I started to stim. I was still tired on it, but otherwise fine,felt very bloated a few days before EC tho.Good luck with your cycle xox
I'll agree to the bloating for sure... I had it too. Or rather the most common symptoms that I've felt. Some cramps and spotting at times, but then it's been my AF signs as well all my life. The doc, however, said I'm very less responsive to the stemming and even I don't get symptoms easily. Never had even the most glorious morning sickness when I happened to have conceived. So, naturally, IB would be an over expectation in my case if I wish to track my pregnancy if I be lucky to fall pregnant again anytime soon. I think the symptoms could be from either to all of the symptoms from a lot of the progesterone-induced symptoms. Stay tight and keep cool is the secret to get through this phase. However, I think it's far less annoying than the 2WW or the even worse waiting for the blood work to decide your pregnancy.
Yeah, to the most annoying 2WW period. I guess everyone is different but I have come to understand that it is normal not to feel a lot of side effects during stimming. Are you doing IVF right now?
Yeah, everyone is different in terms of getting symptoms, be it for stimms or pregnancy. Likewise, responding to stimms, the other phase that comes along all the fertility road differs too and all that... it's different for everyone to some extent. I know someone who didn't even had as much as a twitch on the entire first semester when she was pregnant. So sometimes the individual case goes almost beyond what's considered normal, so much that it looks like an anomaly. Me you can say am back to square one on my fertility road. Have had failed at 2 rounds of IVF and it's something a donor conception can't fix, we are left with no alternate choice for now than weighing out pros and cons of Surrogacy. But it isn't an easy thing in anyway... so we decided we're gonna take as much as time it takes. Though I don't think we have much hope in naturally TTCing but then all the while we're doing it all to test out luck. Seems like just a good way to keep up with a fair try till we can make our mind or clear our heads and be decisive about the alternative.
Yes dear. Sorry that you had 2 failed ivf. I hope you make up your mind soon while praying that God give you a miracle.
Thank you so much! Yeah, we will at some point... right now TBH we're exhausted both emotionally and financially. So, we'll wait it out for a while. Till then you all lovely ladies are here to share the struggles and success and all that will prepare me for what lay ahead.
Wish you all the luck in the world too!
Hi, I did long protocol last time and am on short this time and the symptoms have been the same, nothing for the first couple of days and then from about day 3 I found I am a lot more tired than normal. I also started to get strange 'twitchy' feeling in my ovaries, and loads of wind (TMI!!). I wouldnt say my ovaries are painful but sitting here typing this it feels like they are being pulled or stretching. Hope that helps! Good luck for your cycle! x
Thanks for your reply. Glad that it is normal. What day of stimms are you on?
I started on Monday night so I guess day 4 or 5.. you? x
I started on Wednesday, so today is day 3. I also take my injections in the evening. I am just not feeling normal generally and feeling a little tired. I largely blame the Coq10 supplement I am taking. What vitamins are you on?
Its really normal to feel a bit sluggish, tired and also a bit fuzzy headed. I am just taking pregnacare and royal jelly as I heard that helps egg quality but who knows!! x
Yes, fuzzy headed is the word. I am taking Evergreen Formula for Women and coq10 which I also heard is for egg quality.
When is your scan?
My first one is Monday - last time my first one didnt show much so dont panic if yours doesn't! x
OK. We have scan same day. How many eggs did you retrieve from the last cycle?
Only 3 but they had issues getting to both my ovaries - I had 16 follicles x
Ok. Praying that this time around you will get better and more number of eggs.
I had bloating, sore ovaries, headaches, extreme tiredness, nausea and horrendous constipation on stims. But I had a fairly high dose and I stimmed really well, so my symptoms seemed quite intense.
Oh, sorry for the intense side effects and glad that it turned out well. Thanks for the reply. Have you completed your ivf cycle or are you still on it?
I’m 5dp5dt so almost half way through my 2WW. How are you feeling about your cycle? Is it your first time? x
You are almost there, kudos and wishing you a positive result when you test. Will you test before beta? Do keep me updated.
This is my first cycle. I down regulated from day 21 of my last cycle with buserelin and started stimms on 3 of this cycle. Today is just day 3 of my stimms.
I am generally fine safe for a little tiredness and slight headache . I have my first scan on Monday.