Hello ladies, I knew you answered similar questions here before but I had the need to post this. Since yesterday I started cramping and although I was told by the clinic that this could be caused by medication, I just can’t help myself and started to worry. During our last cycle I started feeling cramps 5dp5dt and bleeding 8dp5dt so my experience with cramps isn’t too good. This time round I have more hormonal support - crinone, Lentogest and progynova (last time I was only on cyclogest) so I’m really hoping that I won’t start bleeding early. Any messages of reassurance would be much appreciated xx
4dp5dt and cramping: Hello ladies, I... - Fertility Network UK
4dp5dt and cramping

Cramping is really common and a good sign that implantation is happening, but you know that because you are so good at supporting everyone. you will just be stressed because of the link with the last time. Try and keep gently busy and look at it as positive. Sending lots of good vibes and hugs xxx

Thank you Snuggles144. Yes, my mind has definitely made that bad link and it’s just making me so anxious. I just keep saying to myself to trust my body and our embryo but it is so hard. I will try to relax a bit today and try to see it as a positive sign. I hope you are well xxx
Its so hard not to analyse every twinge! Ive also had bleeding in past 2ww and it really does freak you out....I always have to get past day 7 as that's when my bleed was then I feel like I might have a chance. I think that's why the 2ww becomes such a head wrecker, you just dont know what to think. Hang on in there, try to keep busy.....you're doing great!xx
Thank you! Yes, it’s really the time when I can easily lose my sanity. I also have PMS every month and cramping brings on period so I just find it nearly impossible to see it as a positive sign. I guess I just need to wait and see what next few days bring xx