12 week scan time frame?: Hello all, I... - Fertility Network UK

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12 week scan time frame?

Loublou1985 profile image
30 Replies

Hello all,

I’m 12 weeks next Friday and waited on my 12 week scan date only to find out it will be on 2nd October...I’ll be 13.5 weeks. Has anybody else had late 12 week scans? I want mine earlier so I know everything is ok and I can tell everyone...I don’t know how I am going to hide my belly from people without them getting suspicious.

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Loublou1985 profile image
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30 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

On my last bfp I was told that the 12 week scan on the nhs would actually be between 12-14 weeks. I can understand your apprehension. Have you thought about booking a private scan before then? xx

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to Tugsgirl

I may do or just say that I can’t make that appt due to my partner working shifts and see if I can get it earlier? It’s our first baby and want to know it’s all ok in there xx

Hope85 profile image

Did you receive a letter with the date on it from the hospital? I would call up the department and see if you can change it. No harm in trying xx

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to Hope85

Think I will. Don’t think I can wait another 3 weeks esp to tell people too! Xx

Hope85 profile image
Hope85 in reply to Loublou1985

Even if you say you can’t make it that day and need to rearrange lol xx

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to Hope85

Couldn’t do it so I’ve booked a private scan instead :) I’m happy x

As Tugsgirl said the 12 week scan can be given between 12 and 14 weeks x

Sarah_S profile image

Mine was scheduled to be 13.5 weeks, the same as yours. I just rang up and they gave me an appointment a week earlier, seemed to be no problem for them, not sure why they didn't give me that one in the first place! x

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to Sarah_S

A week earlier would be great esp on a Monday then a long weekend and my partner is off that day too! So win win! Xx

lucylob profile image

Worth trying Lis 💗 nothinv to lose by giving them a call xxc

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to lucylob

Thanks Lucy xx

DisneyJL profile image

We were also told by the midwife that it can be anywhere between 12-14 weeks, & we had ours on what was 13+1, but baby was measuring 14 weeks, so that’s what they’re going with. xx

Ekjones86 profile image

Hi, I was gutted as my 12 week scan wasn't until I was 14 weeks (initially it came through at 15 weeks but they managed to get me an earlier appt). By then the baby measured too big and couldn't have the chromosomal testing done 🤦‍♀️

I would call them to see if they can get you in any earlier. There's no harm in trying 😊 xx

Laceygirl profile image

Hello! My scan was late two - at 13.5 weeks. I found it very frustrating, especially as we the. Had to wait further time for blood test results before we could tell people. If I was ever lucky enough to do this again, I would book a private scan at one of the high at places and I would have private blood test done- I just literally never knew these options were out there before and how reasonable the scan costs are!

Hope it all goes well. We were disappointed with our NHS scam, very clinical and cold and impersonal - I hope you have a better experience xxxx

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to Laceygirl

Thanks ! I’m going to ring up later and see if I can get it a week earlier or even the Friday before. Just hearing October destroyed me :( xx

Box01 profile image

I had mine at 13 weeks, like the ladies has said it's not guaranteed to be at 12 weeks. I've managed to shift my next scan about a bit because of other commitments though, I think it all depends on how busy they are but definitely worth calling and giving it a go. Good luck xx

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to Box01

Thanks ! Even a few days earlier would be great cos it’s the week before I’m guna give it a go and see how I get on xx

Box01 profile image
Box01 in reply to Loublou1985

I've had to change because of my husband working away, and the again for another reason, they've never asked why but had a look and see if they can fit me in. Give them a call, even if you can't change it, at least you'll know and you'll can prepare yourself for the wait. X

Billywhizz10 profile image

We had ours at around 13 weeks from the NHS, but didn't you have a 7 week scan through your clinic ? Once we heard the heartbeat and saw everything looked OK, it was a big relief.

Like you its our first and we took up the offer from our clinic to do a 10 week scan Harmony test- We not only saw a real baby shape jumping around in the scan,, which was joyous, we got to know the baby didn't have downs and other conditions and even the sex of the baby, all through taking my wife's blood. I think the harmony test was less than 200 pounds, and the scan wasn't a fortune ( in the context of the costs spent already with the IVF cycle)

Try not to stress, its a lot easier said than done, we didn't stop stressing really until our 21 week scan to be honest, but they do say after even 7 week scan, a strong hearbeat means you have something like a 90% chance of having a healthy baby, by the time you get to 12 weeks its over 95%, stats don't help though, I know.

Congrats on your pregnancy x

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to Billywhizz10

Yes I had a 7w4d scan & saw a healthy heartbeat& feutus. But it still doesn’t make me worry any less. When I’ve had this scan and everything is ok then I can relax more. Thanks for your reply x

Billywhizz10 profile image
Billywhizz10 in reply to Loublou1985

I do feel for you, we were exactly the same.

Its awful isn't it? you go through IVF with all its kicks in the teeth and when you finally get a BFP, all the worry and hope of getting a BFP becomes worry for the new life making it full term and being healthy.

I'll be honest, the first 21 weeks wasn't fun, and if I'm being really honest, its only when we got to 21 weeks that we really started to relax and enjoy the life growing in my wife and it was only now at 32 weeks we've become to buy baby clothes, think about prams, cots, etc. We felt we were tempting fate somehow. We haven't even told people on social media, just close family and very close friends. Most of our other friends have no clue, we tell them as we meet them, (my wife can hardly hide it now!!)

Being on this site, its very normal for IVF mums to really worry about scans, you're not alone and there are lots of mums to be who will support you here.

One thing that did help was this website, it gives you all the facts, and was a good comfort, it shows how (for example) even your 7 weeks scan is a massive milestone to the road of having a healthy baby, which I'm sure you'll have. xx


dims profile image
dims in reply to Billywhizz10

Was the 10 week scan with your fertility clinic or with the same place you would have had your 12 week NHS scan? My clinic 'discharged' me today. They didn't offer any follow up, I didn't even realise they were discharging me until I asked 'When do I need to come back?' and the doctors said 'never'! It was all a bit odd!

Billywhizz10 profile image
Billywhizz10 in reply to dims

The 10 week scan and harmony test was done with our IVF clinic, but with us we had gone through so many cycles with them over the years, the consultant and the nurses were like friends, of course only because we had multiple BFN!!! We did consider changing clinic, but couldn't face it as we felt so comfortable there and it was really easy for my wife's work.

So when we did the 7 week scan, our doctor suggested we come for harmony and we could do another 10 week scan, I think it was because he had seen us so many times go through failures and knew we were really anxious. It was amazing how much more you see on a 10 week. Your 12 week scan will be an amazing experience.

After just wishing for a BFP, the registering for midwife etc, can all be a whirl. Best of luck with everything x

Loublou1985 profile image

I rang and the next earliest appt is a week after so guess I’m stuck with 2nd October.

The wait continues.... :-(

Box01 profile image
Box01 in reply to Loublou1985

It's a constant worry, I was anxious waiting for our 13 week scan but I'm still worried now waiting for our 20 week scan, for us the anxiety is still there which I suppose is part of the journey we've been on to get here. Try and occupy your mind with something to ease the pressure of the wait x

CC2018 profile image

My 12 week scan won't actually happen until I'm nearly 14 weeks so I paid and had a private scan for peace of mind and so I could tell others xx

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to CC2018

To be honest I’m actually thinking about this, I can get it down at a weekend so much better than taking time off work. I’m going to ring a clinic tomorrow and enquire x

Loublou1985 profile image

Booked a private scan only costing £55 on Friday when I’ll be exactly 12w. I’m very happy now :-) xx

dims profile image
dims in reply to Loublou1985

Did you book the private scan at the same place you would have your NHS scan? I've just been 'discharged' from my fertility clinic (I'm 8 weeks tomorrow) and told to register with the midwife etc. I'm sure I'm not going to get the 12 week scan at twelve weeks so just wondering what my options our re scans and tests?

Loublou1985 profile image
Loublou1985 in reply to dims

Nope I booked this scan at a local scan place near where I live. I checked the reviews their facebook page & it’s highly rated ! It’s knly costing me £55 which includes 2 photos.

You can get private early reassurance scans from 7 weeks then a dating scan at 12 weeks.

We’re not having the tests done for the scan, leaving it up to god :-)

I was discharged too from my clinic. I have registered for a midwife with my gp but having antenatal care at the hopsital I wish to give birth at. All very confusing at first. Lol.

Good luck x

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