Transfer day tomorrow - terrified - I... - Fertility Network UK

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Transfer day tomorrow - terrified - I feel it’s now all on me & my uterus

Novice_knitter profile image
27 Replies

Hi Ladies,

I’m so scared of this 2ww after transfer on Monday. I’m scared of getting pre-menstrual signs during this next two weeks, or a BFN and that familiar feeling of being totally crushed. It’s stupid as it hadn’t happened yet but it’s crept up on me overnight. Until now the process has felt really positive and easier to deal with as embryologist have been taking care of our precious cargo rather than me.

I’m overthinking everything - ie - don’t be too active- the blastocyst will fall out, don’t be upright too much - the blastocyst will fall out, don’t lie down too much - the blastocyst might find its way up my Fallopian tube and become an ectopic pregnancy, drink enough otherwise implantation might not be so easy. I’m putting a lot of pressure on myself, I know things will be better if I can try to relax and find some peace with it.

Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? Has anyone else had these thoughts? They sound so silly when I write them down but I worry about it a lot.

C x

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27 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

Out of four transfers; two bfns and two bfps I can definitely say that af symptoms were a good thing for me! On the two cycles I didn’t feel them I got bfns. As for your embryo falling out, it won’t. In fact you’ll be able to use the toilet straight after transfer. Go about your daily life as much as possible, just use common sense and a little caution. Gentle excercise is good as it will promote healthy blood flow, just don’t overdo it. Make plans to distract yourself every day. Day trips, box sets, eating out, going for walks etc etc xx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you for the reassurance! I needed a kick up the bum 😉

I’m sitting making a plan for the week ahead to keep myself busy and will do a bit of gentle yoga and Pilates - nice and low impact 👍

C x

Cinderella5 profile image

No advice really but it won't fall out....Ive asked this question!🙈 Try not to worry too much about the physical things you're doing, just take it high impact exercising, no heavy lifting, no bending over too much and everything else in moderation. The progesterone does really mess with your head. After going from not having much symptoms in cycles to a fair bit of PMT symptoms in this cycle it really just goes to show that there is just no way of knowing! Wishing you all the best for transfer an luck for testing!xx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you, I like what you’ve said there - I’ll blame the progesterone 😉

I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s been worried it’ll fall out. Thank you for your best wishes - means a lot. I hope you’re ok this evening - when are you back to the gym? What’s your fitness plan?

I think I might do a bit of gentle yoga and Pilates this week - easy beginner stuff - just to get me moving - I’ve been feeling too ill to do anything for a few weeks now and it needs to end! X

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Novice_knitter

Ha ha ha I think we all think about the falling out thing! You have to have a full bladder for transfer and you're scared to go wee afterwards!😂😂

I only joined the gym back in March but I've been doing a but of step, body blast, boxing conditioning....quite like it actually which I didn't imagine I would!

Don't do too much, you've plenty of time to exercise into pregnancy later. I would just stick to walking for now.xx

2018hopeful profile image

I'm feeling pretty much the same. I'm just hoping that we have an embryo to put back tomoro, they are going to ring me at 10am to let me knowing any have survived for us to go down that afternoon. Feeling do nervous that they wont make it till then. I suppose there's nothing we can do apart from take it easy, eat well and rest. Good luck for tomorrow! It's the day you've been waiting for x x

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to 2018hopeful

Good luck to you for tomorrow too Hun!

Last I heard from my clinic was Friday and we had 6, I so hope there’s still some tomorrow to freeze & transfer 🙏

Big day for both of us it seems - I hope we both get the outcome we’ve been dreaming of! x

2018hopeful profile image
2018hopeful in reply to Novice_knitter

Yes definitely a big day for us both! Good luck to you. I truly hope we both get our family that we so dearly want. Ive been very anxious this afternoon, tried to keep busy, but still sore from EC. Me and hubby not long been on a short walk for some fresh air, then I've had a bath and shaved my legs hoping they do ET tomoro. Progesterone tim3 again now. All the best for tomoro. I hate not knowing how mine and hubbysembryos have progressed today. Take care x

KEndo16 profile image

My egg collection is a week away and I’ve been having all sorts of weird dreams. Like being in a play back at school, but as an adult, and not even having learnt my lines. And everyone else knows theirs. And having general anxious feelings, daring not ask if I can take the script on stage with me. It’s definitely the meds! At any other time I’d be happily distracting myself and enjoying long sleeps, but the last three weeks have been hilariously interrupted sleep and weird thoughts. I took myself off to the cinema today and had to laugh half way through the film when I realised the significance of the title of the film: Mission Impossible. I’m determined to mark each week, or day if possible, with doing something for me. That way, at least I will have had a few weeks of pleasing myself. I am sure all will be well with you tomorrow. No one has a script; we are all making it up as we go along.

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to KEndo16

Thanks KEndo16, I know, I need to let go and see what happens. I’m currently writing out a daily planner for the next week to get my head into gear so that I’m not just sitting around procrastinating/ overthinking.

I hate the uncertainty of it but equally I know I am so lucky to have this chance. Need to just go for it and take the pressure of myself x

Just want to wish you the very best of luck for tomorrow.

After my transfer we had a nice lunch then went for a gentle walk. Its best to stay busy in the 2ww and don't be tempted to test to early as you may get a false negative.

I have everything crossed for you xxx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to

Thank you so much - lunch sounds a good idea! Have a nice place down the road that does scrummy cakes! Might head there too at some point this week 👍😀 x

in reply to Novice_knitter

You just need to avoid caffeine,fizzy drinks and chocolate if you can x

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to

Gaaaa! Chocolate’s been my saviour - but yeah - that’s a good tip - I guess it is pretty loaded with caffeine :-/ at least it’ll give me something to indulge in if I get a BFN (and I’ll happily give it up for a BFP!) x

I have no advice to give. I think your uterus knows what to do though so you can trust in her🧘🏻‍♀️

Thinking of your for tomorrow. Good luck. Xx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to

Thank you Hun, uterus knows best! Xx

TeenyTiny profile image

Wishing you the very best of luck 🍀 for tomorrow hunni. Your in my prayers 💕

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to TeenyTiny

Thank you so much TeenyTiny 😃 xx

TeenyTiny profile image
TeenyTiny in reply to Novice_knitter


TRYING2016 profile image

Hello thinking of you, wish you all the luck and a positive end to the 2ww xxx

kirstyblue profile image

Best of luck to you!! 💕💕

Emmaxxx profile image

Good luck to all ladies with transfer coming up. I had mine on Saturday. But since then I have been so ill. I now am on antibiotics for a chest infection. I know it’s not related to the transfer but I am possibly thinking that all the drugs before hand lower your immune system a bit?? I even said to the nurse I was worried I was going to cough the embryos out lol!! One thing that is confusing me is all the terminology and abbreviations eg BFN etc. Is there somewhere I can find out what it all means?

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to Emmaxxx

Hey, I hope you feel better soon - not nice to be feeling so ill with all this going on - but it takes so much out of your body!

I was using an fertility tracker app called Glow for the last 3 years - it’s very American - I think it had a page with all the abbreviations on it and through that and all the discussions I picked up the lingo.

Here’s a few for you:

BFN - big fat negative

BFP - big fat positive 🙏

AF - Aunt Flo - period 😬

I hope your 2ww runs smoothly and good luck for your testing, will keep a look out for your updates xx

PurpleH profile image

Good luck for today! I really hope all goes well for you. As you know I've no tips for you as I haven't got to this stage. But if I do get to the 2ww stage like the other girls have said I plan on keeping busy and distracted and if I'm ever tempted to test early I will be telling myself I managed the wait to get to this stage so im sure I can do the 2ww (so I say now but we'll see what happens if I get to that stage).

Anyways sending lots of luck xx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to PurpleH

Thank you Hun, really appreciate it! It’s all gone well this morning and I’m now resting up - I’m so tired from the worry - actually feel better now it’s happened - and I think the reassuring comments above have helped too! Xx

PurpleH profile image
PurpleH in reply to Novice_knitter

So glad all went well, look after yourself, really hope you get your BFPx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to PurpleH

Thank you so much x

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