As the title says.. Went for our viability scan yesterday only to be told there was no heartbeat.. It got to 6.6 days (we should have been 7.4 days) so it started off on the right foot, just didnโt progress.. Feel utterly shattered.. All this time trying, 2 IVF cycles, 1 failed cycle in Feb and one BFP in May.. I sooo wanted to beleive this was our time but itโs not.. I thought today would be filled with excitement and future plans but instead I need to work out how I want to miscarry, naturally, medically or surgically.. I want it out as soon as possible but am worried with the abnormal structure of my cervix and womb that surgical would cause more harm than good.. If anyone has any info that would be greatly appreciated.. Sorry to put a downer on so much great news, just donโt know what to do or think right now.. Our dream feels so far away and the thought of more IVF treatment is killing me! Xx
No Heartbeat ๐: As the title says... - Fertility Network UK
No Heartbeat ๐

Sorry I cant give any advice JenJen but just wanted to say Im sorry for your loss and sending love & hugs.xx
Iโm so sorry, there are no words to make this any easier xx
So sorry to be reading this jenjen ... sending big hugs ..... ๐ I know what you mean exactly about the thought of more ivf it does feel like things can be so far away but somehow we find the strength to carry on , so that has to be a sign its ment to be .... hope that you and your partner are ok Xx
I'm so sorry to hear this Hun. I found myself in the same situation twice & it's utterly heart-breaking. I had an ERPC first time & recovered fairly well mentally & physically. The second time round I had another ERPC but as an emergency as I had excessive bleeding... That was much harder to cope with. Friends have had medical management & found that the best option for them. It's such a difficult decision.Do what you feel is best for you & be kind to yourself. I hope in time you are able to fight on & get your rainbow baby. Sending love to you xx

Thank you x
So sorry to hear this, absolutely heart breaking , no advice I'm afraid just hugs xx

Thank you and again, so sorry for your news.. xx
So sorry to hear this hun! Sending you big loves and hugs xx
So sorry to hear your news, sending you loads of love โค๏ธ Sorry as have no advice xxx
Iโm so sorry. Itโs like all your worst fears come true. Iโve had a D and C and medical management. If you have any questions and I can answer you I will. So sorry xx
So sorry to read this Jenjen and I hope that you have the support around you to help you through this xx
Oh my goodness, you poor thing ๐ข sending you big, big hugs xx
Ohhh so so sad, my heart breaks for you hun. Not sure what to say tbh, but try to look after your self and do what you need to make you feel better xxx๐ข
Iโm so sorry for your loss.Itโs unimaginable the sense of loss. Iโm so sad youโre going through this heartbreak. Itโs horrific.
I had a miscarriage last year but had bleeding shortly after my positive test so kinda expected bad news at the 6 week scan not that anyone is ever quite prepared for it. ๐
in time this will feel a bit better ( tho you never forget) one day at a time my love โค๏ธ
Please donโt apologise for posting -you need support. everyone is at risk of having a miscarriage itโs a sad fact. ๐ญwe are all here for each other through good and bad times. ๐
Thinking of you xoxo

Thank you x
So sorry to read this Jen!! ๐ I had a MMC at 10wks at the end of March and had surgical mgmt!! I too wanted it over as quickly as possible, so that was definitely the best option for me - but everyone is different and everyone needs to grieve and recover in a way thatโs best for them!!
I know all too well the heartbreak youโll be feeling right now - sending you luv & strength for the coming days!! xxx
Oh I'm so very sorry for your loss. I had medical management last October as it didn't start naturally it was painful and traumatic. Again I had medical management in February as it worked last time so I thought it would be the same this time round but unfortunately 4 weeks later there was still pregnancy tissue left so I opted for SMM, it was straight forward and less traumatic. If I had to go through it again I would opt for the SMM. Big hugs to you โค๏ธ xxxx
Its so utterly devastating and I wish i could take the pain away...Iโve been there 6 times and endured 6 cycles. Iโve had 3 ERPCโs and itโs the quickest way to deal with it. See if they can use a scan at the same time (they used one for my 14 week pregnancy as it was big and more risky) this early on its v straightforward and only slight discomfort after...far better than bleeding and cramping it out with pills or naturally. I know itโs devastating so please go easy on yourself, nothing you could do, it wasnโt well. Sending lots of love and strength xxx
I am so sorry to hear this. Look after yourself. You will get through this. Sending you hugs xx
Awww no!!! So sorry ๐ช we were around the same weeks in your prev post. Itโs so heartbreaking to mc I just naturally mc my last not going to lie it hurt the contractions like pains so if you need extra pain killers make sure you ask for them. I got codine was good stuff. Again sorry you have to go through this xx hugs xx

Thank you x
I'm so sorry jenjen. This is such heartbreaking news. Thinking of you at this difficult time xx

Thank you x
Iโm so sorry youโre going through this, itโs heartbreaking. I had a mmc earlier this year and started to bleed and had quite bad cramps and contractions and passed lots of clots but my second scan 2 weeks later revealed everything was still intact and they gave me my options. I ended up going for surgical as couldnโt bear the thought of going through more pain and waiting even longer and it was such a relief in the end and a relatively straightforward procedure. I was worried at first of the risks but everything seems fine so far and my lining is still good and healthy. Donโt know your personal circumstances but do what feels best for you and most importantly look after yourself and hope you find the strength and courage to move forward. Big hugs xx
Sorry to hear this. No advice but just wanted to say take care of yourself and make sure you give yourself plenty of time to recover whatever you decide x
hi, so sorry to hear about this. I can understand it is a very difficult situation for you. Just handle the situation calmly. Infertility is not a big problem nowadays. Science has done so much development. Many treatments are available. You should try any of them. Things will be fine soon . best of luck for your future. Lots of love.
Hi there Jen. I hope you are doing well. I am really sorry to hear about your issue. I know you must be devastated. I know the pain. I have experienced it too. You are at the right place. If IVF is not working for you. You can definitely try surrogacy. It's really a good procedure. It's safe and secure. I hope it will help you. Do your research about it. I wish you good luck. Take care and lots of love for you.
Thank you x
Thank you x