Hi everyone. I am slowly trying to come to term with my failed IVF but more I think of it more I feel the unfair treatment I received at work might have contributed to it. I was signed off sick initially for reaction to the stim that kicked off my sciatica, and after the transfer and talking to occupational health, we agreed I was going to extend my sickness leave until 10 day post ET to avoid excessive workload during implantation time. As per my prev posts I had quite strong cramps during implantation that suddenly stopped and I was reading as a good sign of maybe a successful implantation as my breast was still sore and I was feeling pregnant (even if I know it could be progesterone induced)' on my day 10 I had to go back to work for a night shift. The ward was quiet with only one labourer and some minor cases. I asked to look after one of the minor cases but I have been assigned to the labourer. at work everyone knows about my ivf but I reminded to the coordinator anyway I just had my ET and I could not do heavy lifting, she tried to be sympathetic but she did not change the allocation. Asked for a break to be able at least to drink a glass of water at 11pm and not given a break until 1'30 am. To cut a long story short, in the morning I had very sharp pains in my lower abdomen and I was curled in the corridor breathlessly. a kind colleague helped me out but as I was crying with her I told her that that was me losing my embies and from the next day all the pregnancy symptoms disappeared. I have spoken with few people and I don't know what to do. I would like to close this chapter but I feel that if I don't take stronger measures I won't have a real conclusion. Anyone faced something similar? How did you do?
Unfair treatment at work: Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK
Unfair treatment at work

Hello, i am sorry to hear of your troubles. I have not had IVF yet so can only imagine how you must be feeling.
If you have been told by Occupational health (OH) to avoid lifting, your employer should not ask you to do any lifting. OH should have provided your employer with a report if it was arranged through work. Failing that You can get a return to work note from Gp with varied duties and they can specify what you can/can’t do. If Your employers did receive a report I would put in a formal complaint highlighting their negligence so it does not happen again in the future.
If it is impossible for them to amend your duties to then speak to OH or GP who may sign you off for longer.
If no time for breaks can you carry a water bottle around with you or leave in a central place for you to access whilst on rounds?
Do you have an employee helpline you can call? For further advice the Citicen Advice Beaureu maybe able to help.
Sorry again for your troubles and I hope you can resolve the issue with work to assist you in the future x
So sorry you went through this.
I got made redundant and was tortured that I wasn't working - but this post had made me realise how difficult it is to work during IVF. My job was really stressful.....
Hope you get some resolution and proper time off for your next round.
Sorry to hear you’ve been through this. My undertstanding is that after transfer you are protected by the same legislation as if you were pregnant, so if they didn’t treat you the same way as they would have done if you were pregnant then they are breaking employment law. I hope your matron takes your complaint seriously.