I finally had my moment
Today I had a private scan & even though I had two terrible days full of pain all over my pelvic - we got to see our miracles .
Superior Twin - 18 mm - 161 Heartbeat
Lower twin - 16 mm - 159 Heartbeat
The 3 cysts are still there and annoying me on a daily basis but the shrunk in size - thank god !
I have 2 weeks of Progesterone left too take ( I’ll be so glad )
I’ll be seeing the midwife next week & I hope I’ll get some answers why my tummy hurts / why I have so bad wind etc & what can be done.
When I lost my last Fallopian tube 16 years ago - I never thought I’d would take me so long to finally get pregnant! Life got in the way .. relationships broke but as it happened I married again and here we are .
We hope & pray that we will have a healthy pregnancy & deliver healthy babies .
Never ever did I think - first time success & two !
I hope I’ve not upset anyone with my post but I send all of the IVF warriors positive vibes