Ladies I tested last night and this morning and I got my first ever positive!! Feel very strange and don't really want to get my hopes up as I know anything can change. But I have never ever got a second line on the test before! Let's hope it stays this way until my official test date which is Monday.
The following were things I done differently this cycle:
1. Had the most faith in god
2. Scratch
3. Steriods
4. Drank pomegranate juice every day since transfer aswell as eating Brazil nuts. I also drank a glass of milk a day and loads of water!!
5. Relaxed the week after transfer, this second week has been so hard!
Thanks for all your support over the years, I really hope this is my time. A part of me feels like something will go wrong, but I guess after endless hospital appointments it's natural to feel this way. After two failed IUIs and two failed ivfs I hope this is my time!
To all the other ladies in there two week wait, I have no symptoms at all, just cramps and I honestly feel like my period is on the way!! Xxx