Sperm to aid implantation!: Interesting... - Fertility Network UK

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Sperm to aid implantation!

19 Replies

Interesting read - guess what we’ll be doing all week up to transfer?! 😂


19 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

We were told this by the fertility doctor we saw at Tommy’s a few weeks ago. We managed to dtd 5 times just before and in my fertile window and will keep doing it again until our next ivf xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

I don’t know about anyone else but we’ve kind of lost interest in it at times due to all the pressure of ttc & infertility. Also, it doesn’t seem as much fun when you’re tired & forcing yourselves to do it just so you don’t miss your fertile window. Sometimes we don’t have sex from just after ovulation until the following month because we’re fed up with having to do it on a schedule!! That coupled with the pain I was getting but thankfully no longer having.

Maybe this is one of the ways we’re going wrong, we should have kept going all month!

Thankfully the pressure has been off recently so it hasn’t seemed so much of a chore, maybe this will actually help & the FET might be the first successful go?!

Interesting that you were told by a specialist about this, surely all clinics should be telling everyone about this?!

Wishing you guys so much luck in your next cycle, if anyone deserves this, you both do 💕 xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

I totally get where you’re coming from. It’s a bit different in our case though because of OH’s spinal cord injury he can’t ejaculate during sex so we have to self inseminate at home. Trust me when I say, that’s never been romantic or passionate. Luckily we still have a great sex life outside of ttc.

Look at it this way, you’re doing a fet so you can enjoy sex now pressure free 😊 xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

Oh bless you, I can only imagine! Glad you’ve managed to hang on to the sex life though, that’s one really good thing!! Xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

Yes for us at least sex is a completely separate issue from ttc, sex is for pleasure and intimacy and fun but insemination is strictly ttc, and very dull and boring I might add lol xx

I wish I knew that this morning....In hindsight we've never been told not to have sex during IVF so I don't know why I've been so cautious! I totally get the whole pressure thing as well! X

Oh great. Another thing for me to worry about! We have been told not to have unprotected sex because of the small risk of a natural pregnancy- not what you want when trying to avoid a chromosome disorder. However our clinic is also one of those who say no sex after transfer due to infection risk and I guess I might ignore this if it weren’t for our particular circumstances (not that vaginal pessaries make anyone feel sexy!!).

Only two more days of the 2ww for me... I’m going to do my best not to worry about this alongside everything else...! 😁

in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Sorry!! If it makes you feel any better, the one time I got pregnant naturally, I didn’t have sex after ovulation. Also, our clinic day no sex after transfer until otd so I’ll only be doing it before.

Good luck for your test day!! Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

I genuinely thought you couldn’t have unprotected sex during ivf! In case I got pregnant! Oh the scandal! Imagine! And since my eggs are up the creek without a paddle the chances of that happening are slim! 😂 So I’m not sure why I wouldn’t! IVF is so confusing!

in reply to emu2016

Crazy what conflicting advice everyone is getting!!

Had a little giggle when reading your message - the scandal indeed 😂 xxxx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to

Thanks Star xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Interesting indeed! Looks like I'll be trying this if I ever get to transfer again! ha ha ha xx

in reply to Cinderella5

You’ll get there soon lovely, won’t be long i’m Sure!! Xxxxx

ClarabGlasgow profile image

Thanks for sharing! How long does the man have to abstain before giving his sample for ivf? I feel like that was another reason we didn’t do it during our cycle . Oh well good to have something else to try -23% improved chances is very promising! X

in reply to ClarabGlasgow

I asked my the nurse today if my partner and I can have sex during the cycle and she said we could as long as it's protected. There is a small risk of falling pregnant naturally if they don't remove all eggs. All this conflicting advice is so confusing xx

in reply to

Very confusing!! We were never told not to have sex during a cycle, only after transfer. I guess there are conflicting views & therefore advice?! Absolutely no idea what to do these days!! Xxx

in reply to ClarabGlasgow

I would double check that with your clinic, we’ve had different guidelines from each of ours!! A friend’s hubby had to give a sample after however many days abstinence & the count was really low so they asked him to do another one straight after, the count was better & they used the 2nd sample for the treatment?! Honestly don’t know if anyone knows anything for sure anymore!! Xx

ClarabGlasgow profile image

YOu are so right , I often wonder that myself . Other than needing one sperm & egg, nothing is certain! Let’s hope this new tip works , I will definitely try to dtd more often , I am a bit guilty of focussing on the days round ovulation ! X

in reply to ClarabGlasgow

You & me both!!! It’s so easy to lose interest in the fun side of things when you’re Ttc so maybe we all need to inject some of that back into proceedings too? Xx

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