Confused after nurse apt IVF - Fertility Network UK

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Confused after nurse apt IVF

TTCs profile image
20 Replies

Hi ladies, just seeking some advice as someone who is about to go through 1st ICSI cycle. Myself & hubby have left apt feeling slightly confused. I have been having accupuncture & reflexology and was told to continue at my own risk and that it's not recommended to do alongside treatment. However, all my research to date has suggested they can be helpful so in a dilemma now about whether to continue or not. The nurse also said we are on high dose of Bemfola injections (300 iui) because of my low AMH and said she assumed the consultant had explained this to me. He had talked to me about low AMH but not the need for higher meds. The nurse jus said its because i need more stimulation. This seems really quite high for my first round but what do i know. Thought I was well researched and reasonably well prepared but I am now feeling confused and out of control. I guess I just need to take time to read over all the literature of luck to you all wherever you are in this journey 😘

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20 Replies

I have acupuncture and reflexology. I will be stopping reflexology before I start my injections. My acupuncturist says it depends how my scans show I am reacting to medication, if I react well she doesn’t see me, if I don’t react well to mess she will see me. I had acupuncture after EC last time and will have that again this time. My clinic says that acupuncture is a good support to ivf, I have acupuncture anyway so have just carried on through treatment. Reflexology is new though.

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to

Thanks for your reply. I always believed as you have said accupuncture is a support to IVF and know clinics promote this so was very confused when my nurse wasnt happy with me having it. Best of luck with your next round 😘

KB11 profile image

I've just had first round of isci, can't advise on the reflex/accupuncture but I also had a high dose of injections, although no one ever explained it to me. I started on 250 but went up to 325, I would say don't worry they know what they are doing and will adjust the amount as they monitor your progress via the scans

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to KB11

Yes you are right, have to trust the process. How are things going for you in your journey? X

KB11 profile image
KB11 in reply to TTCs

Unfortunately had a negative result at the weekend, had an emotional day but stronger now and we had 4 embryos frozen so looking ahead to our next go which will be a natural cycle.

Good luck with everything

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to KB11

Ah im so sorry to hear that, devastating news. But its great to hear you also have 4 frosties and with less meds. Wishing you all the luck in the world for next cycle 😘

Sally2605 profile image

So sorry for the confusion! This process always seems to throw up the unexpected... My clinic are fine with fertility acupuncture and reflexology and are happy with it during treatment - was yours specifically geared for fertility? Maybe ask why they feel it might interfere with treatment? As for the dose, I don’t have experience with Bemfola. I was put on a high dose of gonal f for first go. My consultant had explained they do the dose based upon the results and the first go is often a bit of an unknown as it was going to be unclear how I would respond, etc. But if you are all uncertain I would say ask. My clinic told me repeatedly they knew this was often confusing and they would rather we were comfortable with with everything than be uncertain so to ask away however often. All the best for the cycle and thinking of you xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Sally2605

Ah thank youfor your reply. To be honest the nurse wasn't very clear on why she just said there is no evidence to suggest it helps or to suggest it might negatively impact and therefore ig going ahead it will be at my own risk. Both my accupuncturist and reglexologist know my situation so hVe tailored treatment accordingly. Mind you at my last accupuncture apt the needles in my foot were unbearable. This has never happened before and caused me to feel unable to relax anticipating the next needle to feel the same so i had considered not going back....soooooo confused 🙈

Purpledazzle27 profile image

I was on 225 bemfola so not a lot less. I had acupuncture before treatment during treatment the day before egg transfer and day of egg transfer and have continued with it and I’m now 11 weeks today. Not sure about reflexology but I doubt it would hurt and think that nurse was wrong to advise what she did. Wishing you all the best. And make sure you are both taking your vitamins and eat loads of avocados and eggs. Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Purpledazzle27

Thank you for this info! Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! So good to hear! What vitamins would you recommend? Im taking pregnacare & hubby is on male version. And i take vit D spray but that's it. I knew about the eggs but not the avovado! Are you talking about taking daily lol? Sorry for my silly questions? On a steep learning curve! Xx

Aleelilook profile image

Hello! Totally natural to be confused! Try not to focus on drug doses as they will probably alter it as you go, they just want to give you the best chance of having more eggs. With regards to reflexology and acupuncture I was told not to have reflexology as the oils could interfere with the treatment, however I’ve had acupuncture with all 4 rounds. My clinic think if it relaxes me then that’s great, so perhaps speak to another nurse? Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Aleelilook

Hey :) thanks for your reply. Good point about the oils! The last accupuncture stressed me out cus it was so sore so Il have to decide whether or not to go back. I lept out of my skin when the needle went in my foot. He said it was my uterus! He tried again and was still as painful though everywhere else on my body was just the usual sensations. Strange xx

Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to TTCs

Haha yes I’ve had that before! I nearly kicked him in the face!! I’ve been having it for a year and it doesn’t tend to be like that, but if you’re not finding it relaxing perhaps a fertility massage would be better? Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Aleelilook

Did the pain in your foot subside after that? I nearly kicked my therapist as well (lol) and he freaked out as my back was covered in needles in case i moved any of them! I dont find the accupuncture particularly relaxing but have been enduring it in the hopes that it helps. I will maybe try the fertility massage. So hard to know what to do for the best. Thank you x

Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to TTCs

Yeah the pain didn’t last, he normally just told me to relax and breath and then it went. My acupuncturist did my treatment on my legs, feet, hands arms and tummy, never on my back? Oh and sometimes in my head if I needed to sleep!! Perhaps try somewhere else?! Where are you based? Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Aleelilook

I am in Northern Ireland. I have had the needles on my tummy, legs, feet, arms and head but last time he did my back. I didnt really like it to be honest. But the nurse said yesterday i shouldnt be getting them in my tummy in particular which i had never heard before. Xx

Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to TTCs

Ah so london is no good for you then! Hmm if you aren’t enjoying it then I think it would be counterproductive, stick to what you like! Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Aleelilook

Sorry for late reply work was manic. Yes unfortunately london bit out of the way lol. Though if our funded cycle doesn't work and we have to go private we will be considering london 😙

Aleelilook profile image
Aleelilook in reply to TTCs

Oh my god a bit of a trek?!! Good luck and fingers crossed it won’t come to that! Xx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply to Aleelilook

Hopefully not 😗

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